Chapter 7 | The Astronomy Tower Anecdote

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
"You can't keep apparating back here every time you need to inform me, and letters are at the risk of being intercepted. Keep this. It's a two-way journal. I will be able to see everything that you write in here," the Dark Lord elucidated. Understanding dawned on Draco, who nodded appreciatively, expressing his gratitude as the Dark Lord exited the room, leaving Draco alone with his thoughts and the remarkable gift in hand.

As the train filled with the buzz of students and the anticipation of the school year, Draco knew he had a role to play. Pulling out a mirror, he carefully applied glamour to create the appearance of sleepless nights and deteriorating health. His already pale skin took on an even more ghostly hue. The efforts paid off when both Pansy and Blaise expressed concern, questioning his well-being on multiple occasions during the journey on the train as well as the one to the Great Hall.

Taking a seat at the Slytherin table, Draco remained indifferent to Dumbledore's speech, his eyes wandering over the Great Hall. A peculiar thought crossed his mind as he observed Harry Potter, who seemed smaller and more withdrawn than usual. Draco quickly dismissed the notion, refocusing his attention on food. Out of the corner of his eye, Draco saw Snape looking at him which made him internally smirk.

After the feast, as he made his way to the Slytherin dorms, Snape intercepted him. A sharp breath caught in Draco's throat when Snape directed him to his office. Draco endured a lecture, mirroring the ones his father often delivered. Unable to tolerate it, Draco counted silently in his head, eventually bursting into small, staged sniffles. He repeated how scared he was, expressing his reluctance for the task. Snape, perhaps taken aback, physically stopped him with a shake, causing Draco to flinch. Snape, in a rare moment of understanding, reminded Draco of the promise he made to Narcissa, pledging to protect him. Draco nodded in gratitude before quickly leaving Snape's office, rushing back to the Slytherin dorms to find solace in his private room and a night of undisturbed sleep.

 Draco nodded in gratitude before quickly leaving Snape's office, rushing back to the Slytherin dorms to find solace in his private room and a night of undisturbed sleep

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Draco, the next day, immersed himself in the task of unpacking his belongings. As he carefully organized his possessions, he took out the ancient runes journal discovered in the library. Examining it closely, Draco noticed an unfamiliar name engraved on the back—TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. A sense of confusion clouded Draco's thoughts. Who was this man, and why was his name connected to the journal? Deciding to unravel this mystery later, Draco set aside the journal and redirected his focus as he set out for the Room of Requirement.

Draco's journey to repair the vanishing cabinet was marked by numerous setbacks. The intricate runic designs, intended to create a seamless connection between the two cabinets, posed a formidable puzzle. Draco spent countless nights poring over ancient runes, making meticulous adjustments to the cabinet's structure. Yet, despite his unwavering determination, failure became a familiar companion. It was as if the cabinet was determined to reject every ounce of effort that Draco was putting in to fix that darn thing.

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