Chapter 17 | Nekos and cuddles

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Previously On When The Devil Falls -
Harry mentally berated himself for not accepting Draco's friendship in the first year. Perhaps he could have been saved from so much trouble.

"You know about my aunt and uncle. They gave me leftover scraps if I was lucky. Otherwise, they would lock me up in my cupboard and forget about me for weeks. Then I turned seven. They realized I could do servant's work, and they wouldn't have to pay me anything either. I had to weed the garden, buy groceries, and cook the food. Merlin! How is a seven-year-old supposed to cook perfectly? They punished me if I burnt anything. 

They were absolutely horrified when I had my first burst of accidental magic. They hated our kind and tried to beat the magic out of me. It didn't work, but it hurt like hell. I thought my Hogwarts letter was my freedom. In my excitement, I didn't realize that the letter was addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. Dumbledore knew but didn't do anything about it. At Hogwarts, Dumbledore led me on a merry-goose chase every year. Ron and Hermione would start interrogating me even if I was away for ten minutes, demanding to know where I had gone. Ginny keeps trying to get in my pants and touches me, even though I've told her not to. Dumbledore paid the Dursleys to abuse me and the Weasleys to pretend to be friends with me. I overheard Ron and Hermione talking about it. The night you killed Dumbledore, I was about to run away and I swear I wouldn't have told anyone, but Bellatrix caught me, and now, I'm here." said Harry, sniffling.

Draco extended his arms, a silent invitation that Harry eagerly embraced as he nestled against him, seeking comfort and warmth.

Draco extended his arms, a silent invitation that Harry eagerly embraced as he nestled against him, seeking comfort and warmth

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In the doorway, Tom Riddle observed the scene—Harry Potter resting atop his mate, the two enveloped in cozy blankets. The room held a serene atmosphere, with Harry softly snoring and Draco engrossed in the book he had started the day before.

Tom arched a puzzled eyebrow, prompting Draco to explain, "He shared everything with me. The abuse from those Muggles, Dumbledore manipulating the blood traitor Weasleys to pose as his friends."

"Address?" Tom inquired.

"Number 4, Privet Drive. I plan to initiate Occlumency lessons with him tomorrow; his mental defences are notably weak," Draco responded.

Satisfied with the information, Tom apparated to a location in Little Whinging.

After completing his task, he apparated back at the Malfoy Manor, shedding his blood-stained attire before indulging in a warm shower. It was during this moment of solitude that Tom grasped the reason his Alpha instincts hadn't flared in response to Draco being with Potter. The revelation struck him—Potter was a submissive omega as well.

His thoughts drifted to the night of Draco's 17th birthday, recalling the transformative event where Draco, amidst screams of agony, had revealed his angelic wings and embraced his omega nature and he had retrieved another one of his Horcruxes.

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