Chapter 18 | Ne Vous Inquiétez Pas, Je T'aime

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
"Well, one day I woke up early in the morning due to a nightmare and went to the washroom. When I looked in the mirror, there were 2 big black cat ears on my head. I was too sleepy to realize that I wasn't supposed to have cat ears and I brushed my teeth. Halfway through my shower, I realized that I had cat ears but they were gone when I looked into the mirror again. I thought that the ears might be a hallucination and forgot about it" recounted Harry.

Draco's groan echoed through the room as he informed Harry about his upcoming Neko presentation. "Tu es un garçon tellement stupide et aveugle"  is what he had said. Without delay, he summoned Holly, instructing her to fetch all the books on Nekos available in the manor. Moments later, Holly returned, bearing about ten thick volumes that were thicker than Harry's face. Draco accepted the books, and with a wave, Holly disappeared. Placing the books on the desk, Draco's actions sent a cloud of dust into the air, causing Harry to visibly wince.

Draco pointed at the stack of books and declared, "Read."

Harry, taken aback by the sheer number and thickness, questioned, "All of them?"

"Yes. I'll be back in a few hours to check on your progress," Draco stated before exiting the room, Tom Riddle following closely behind.

Tom and Draco entered Tom's room, and the dark ambience was softened by the dim glow of enchanted candles. Tom reached for a bottle of Dragonvodka, pouring generous amounts into glasses for both of them. Draco graciously accepted the glass and took a sip.

"I don't know how that boy has survived until now. He is absolutely clueless," Tom remarked, causing Draco to chuckle. Tom paused, looking over at Draco with an intense gaze, captivated by the melodic sound of Draco's laughter. Draco, noticing the dark lord's red cheeks, dismissed it as an effect of the alcohol.

Tom then inquired if Harry was the same in school. Draco, taking a sip of his drink, launched into a long anecdote about Potter's absurd antics during their school days. Halfway through the story, Draco noticed Tom staring at him, and a blush crept onto his cheeks.

"What?" asked Draco.

Tom simply replied, "Go on."

"No, I've talked enough. I want to know something about you," Draco declared.

"What about me?" inquired Tom.

"How about we play 20 questions?" Draco proposed.

"20 questions?" Tom questioned.

"It's quite simple. I ask you 20 questions, and you ask me the same, turn by turn, though," Draco explained.

"Any question?" Tom sought confirmation.

"Yep," Draco quirked an eyebrow.

"How will you make sure that I'm not lying?" Tom inquired.

"I can't. I'll have to trust you," Draco responded.

"Okay. You can start then."

"What are your favourite colours?" asked Draco.

"I haven't put much thought into it. Anything dark, really. Black, most probably," Tom replied.

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