Chapter 54 | Missing

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Previously on When The Devil Falls - 
"Is that all you've got, Malfoy?" Mad-Eye taunted, his voice a low growl of derision. He then kicked Draco down into the wet and dirty floor, the soup and blood staining his clothes. "I'll get you your precious food when you've learned your place."

Marvolo's patience had been wearing thin as he prepared to retire for the night. But before he could settle into bed, the abrupt intrusion of Rudolphus and Rabastian into his chamber ignited a blazing fury within him.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing here?" Marvolo's voice thundered, his eyes flashing with anger as he fixed his gaze on the two men.

Rabastian stepped forward, his expression grave. "My Lord, We have urgent news. We-I- Draco...... Draco and Nico are missing," he declared urgently, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

Marvolo's jaw clenched, his magic crackling with unrestrained power as he struggled to contain his rising rage. Without a word, he gestured, unleashing a torrent of magic that sent both Rudolphus and Rabastian crashing into the wall with a forceful impact.

As the two men slowly rose to their feet, Marvolo erected silencing wards around the room, enveloping them in an impenetrable barrier of privacy. "Explain," he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

Rudolphus's voice trembled with apprehension as he spoke. "When we arrived at the manor for the weekly dinner, there was no sign of Draco or Nico. Not even Narcissa was present," he recounted, his words heavy with concern.

"We waited, assuming Draco may have stepped out, but as the night wore on with no sign of him, we questioned the house elves," Rabastian added, his brow furrowed in worry. "They said that Narcissa had instructed them not to inform anyone of Draco's departure, claiming she was taking him and Nico on a trip with some friends."

Marvolo's mind raced with a single purpose: find Draco and Nico. With a steely resolve, he turned to Augustus Rookwood and Antonin Dolohov, his voice cutting through the tense air.

"Handle the negotiations yourselves," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I must return to the manor immediately."

Augustus and Antonin exchanged a quick glance, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, my Lord," Antonin replied solemnly, his voice reflecting the urgency of the moment.

Without another word, Marvolo conjured a portkey and seized it tightly in his hand. He turned to Rudolphus and Rabastian, his expression grim. "We're going back to the manor. Now," he ordered, his voice brooking no opposition.

Marvolo's jaw clenched as he processed the information, his mind racing with thoughts of his missing family. "Where is Narcissa?" he demanded, his voice sharp with urgency.

Rudolphus shook his head. "We don't know, my Lord," he admitted. "She was nowhere to be found when we arrived."

Rudolphus and Rabastian nodded in silent agreement, their expressions mirroring Marvolo's determination. Together, they grasped the portkey, and with a swift tug, they vanished from the room.

As they reappeared in the dimly lit halls of Slytherin Manor, Marvolo wasted no time. Marvolo's fists clenched at his sides, his rage boiling beneath the surface. "Find her," he ordered, his voice a low, menacing growl. "Search every inch of this manor until Draco and Nico are found. And bring her to me. Now."

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