Chapter 6 | Runes of Connection

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Previously on When the Devil Falls -
Overall, Draco quite liked his new room. He was prepared to spend the rest of his life in that bed that looked so comfortable and warm.

Draco did just what he wanted to. He picked a book from his mini-library and made himself comfortable on the bed. As the hours passed, Draco found himself engrossed in his book, the weight of the complex storyline sinking in. The knock on his door interrupted his little bubble, and with a subtle sense of trepidation, Draco opened the door to find the dark lord standing before him.

Immediately, Draco lowered his head in a gesture of submission, allowing the dark lord to enter. The dark lord, with an air of regal authority, lifted Draco's chin with two fingers, their eyes locking in a moment of intense connection. 

Angelic silver met fiery blood red.

Upon inquiring about updates on the task, the dark lord listened as Draco excitedly shared the success of the initial phase of his plan. His mother, Narcissa, had fallen for his act, and the Dark lord nodded in satisfaction.

Before leaving, the Dark lord instructed Draco to meet him once more before he departed for Hogwarts. As the door closed behind the dark lord, Draco was left alone once again with only his book to keep him company.

It was quite late in the evening when Draco had finished his book. It was quite interesting. The author's perspective on The Tale of The Three Brothers was intriguing, to say the least. Upon checking the time with a simple Tempus charm, Draco realized that he still had about half an hour to kill till Dinner and thus, Draco decided to take a nap. 

As the evening descended, Draco found himself being woken up by the chips and hoots of the peacocks in the gardens. The confines of his room suddenly seemed stifling, prompting him to seek solace in the expansive gardens of Malfoy Manor under the soft glow of the moonlight.

The night air was crisp as Draco strolled along the manicured pathways. The delicate fragrance of blooming flowers mingled with the distant echoes of the creatures in the forest close by.

Amidst the moonlit tranquillity, Draco unexpectedly encountered his father, Lucius Malfoy, standing in the shadows of a willow tree. The reunion was far from warm, and tension crackled in the air.

Lucius's eyes bore a mixture of jealousy and frustration as he addressed Draco, "You seem to have gained the Dark Lord's favour, haven't you? I have been made aware that the Dark Lord has assigned you a task for some reason that I can not fathom."

Draco, taken aback by his father's bitterness, attempted to defend himself, "It's an honourable task he's given me, Father. I am just following his orders."

Lucius scoffed, "Honorable? How exactly are you honouring his orders? By crying about an opportunity others would kill for? You are weak and stupid, Draco. Do not mess this up. This might be our only chance to get back into the Lord's good side"

"I am doing everything I can" replied Draco,  a little scared now that his father was seemingly getting angrier.

"As you should. I will not hesitate to take you to my friends or perhaps even Severus if he isn't busy," said Lucius, nonchalantly as if it were no big deal.

It was, in fact, a very big deal; not for him but for Draco. 

Draco stiffened at the implicit threat, his eyes welling with tears. He meekly nodded, a silent acknowledgement of his father's dominance. Turning away, he left the garden, leaving Lucius standing in the shadows.

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