Chapter 20 | Tom Riddle's Discourse on the Art of Soul Gaining

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Draco saw fragments of Harry's childhood, the neglect and mistreatment at the hands of the Dursleys. One such incident had been when Harry had witnessed Cedric Diggory's death. Harry was inconsolable for a few minutes after that. He wasn't crying but he was shivering with fear from the sheer pain and longing he had felt in that moment. Draco could only offer support but this certainly increased his hate for the now dead senile old man tenfold. How could somebody be so cruel to a boy who had done nothing to harm him?

"Well, you know that Pettigrew can turn into a rat, right?" asked Draco.

"Yes?" replied Harry, unsure of where this conversation was going.

"Nagini's favourite food is also rats. Do you think you can convince her to gulp him down? He's a waste of Oxygen anyway" suggested Draco, his eyes suddenly turning a shade darker.

Harry burst into laughter at that and then nodded at the suggestion.

Draco then opened his arms as an invite which Harry gratefully accepted. Hugs were their thing. Draco looked at Harry with a soft expression, his eyes filled with understanding. "It's all going to be okay, ma biche."

"Why do you call me that?" Harry asked, genuinely curious.

"What? Ma biche?"

"Yeah. What does it mean?"

"My doe," Draco replied.

Harry smiled at that revelation. "Oh. Thank you," he said appreciatively.

"It's all right. I knew that your Patronus is a stag, so that's how this nickname came to be."

"It's not just that. My father was an Animagus. He could turn into a stag. So, this means a lot to me."

Draco considered Harry's words for a moment. "I can stop if it's too personal," he offered.

"No. I like it," Harry responded, his smile growing. The nickname held a deeper connection for him, a link to his family and a sense of comfort.

"merci pour le rendez-vous, ma chérie" said Draco before he gently pressed a soft kiss to Tom's cheek before gracefully exiting the room, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts

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"merci pour le rendez-vous, ma chérie" said Draco before he gently pressed a soft kiss to Tom's cheek before gracefully exiting the room, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. He had the ring, the cup, Nagini and Potter. Now, there were only 2 left. Nagini somehow knew her master was in deep thought and slithered up his legs onto his neck before curling around his shoulders like a  shawl.

With a sigh, Tom rubbed his temples and decided to contact Snape. The raven-haired man appeared promptly, kneeling before his lord with a forced greeting of "my lord."

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