Chapter 24 | Mocha Moments

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When The Devil Falls -
Draco grinned. "Well, get used to it."

In the stillness of the night, Harry lay in bed, surrounded by the opulence of Draco's room. The day's events played back in his mind like a movie reel, and he couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between today's shopping expedition and his previous experiences with the Weasleys.

The mere thought of shopping with the Weasleys brought a tinge of discomfort. It had always felt more like a duty than an enjoyable activity. Every purchase seemed burdened with unspoken expectations, and the atmosphere was tinged with a sense of obligation. Harry couldn't shake off the memories of Mrs Weasley's strained expressions whenever she had to pay for their purchases. It made him cringe internally as if he was being disrespectful for even thinking of enjoying the process.

The Weasleys, out of necessity, bought second-hand clothes, and Harry often felt awkward buying new ones. The books they purchased were worn, with pages falling apart or nibbled by moths, and filled with scribbles. Usually, Mrs Weasley would also buy second-hand clothes for him, the robes not even his size without asking him beforehand and the proceed to ask him for a sum of money that was more than what was required. Harry had done the math today. The financial strain was evident, but the lack of consideration for his feelings left a bitter taste.

Anger simmered within Harry as he reflected on these past experiences. He understood the Weasleys' financial struggles, but did Mrs. Weasley feel no shame in essentially stealing from a twelve-year-old boy? It was a revelation that left him questioning - no - realizing that the Weasley family was not as righteous as they claimed to be.

As Harry delved into his thoughts, he recalled Luna's family, whom he initially perceived as eccentric because that is what Hermione thought of her. However, further inquiries revealed that even among magical circles, the Weasleys weren't held in high regard. Pureblood families disapproved of their financial habits and saw Luna as someone with a unique gift — someone who was blessed — someone who could see magic in its purest form, Lady magic and her messengers. She just gave her names to them, that wasn't so wrong. It was then that he realized that Hermione was the one to convince him that she was off her rockers. He hadn't ever heard a pureblood comment on her behaviour. He had admitted to Draco earlier, feeling guilty for thinking of the girl that way. Draco had calmly assured him that he should just apologize to the girl the next time he saw her and everything would be alright.

With these revelations swirling in his mind, Harry drifted into a restless sleep, grappling with newfound realizations and an unsettled heart.

With these revelations swirling in his mind, Harry drifted into a restless sleep, grappling with newfound realizations and an unsettled heart

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After ensuring that Harry was comfortably tucked into bed, Draco decided to seek out the Dark Lord. The vast manor seemed eerily quiet as he wandered through its opulent corridors. The dim glow of sconces illuminated the way, casting shadows that danced along the walls.

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