Chapter 30 | I don't love drama, it loves me

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
The trio continued their conversation, gradually forming a bond that went way beyond mere friendship. It was a connection fated by magic itself, tying their lives together in ways they were only beginning to comprehend.

In the cozy Hogwarts Express compartment, the trio continued their conversation, the atmosphere filled with warmth and love.

Blaise, wearing an intrigued expression, looked at Harry and asked, "So, Harry, any idea who our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is this year?"

Harry shook his head. "No clue. Whoever it is, I hope they actually teach us something instead of wasting an entire year on theory like Umbridge."

Theo exchanged a glance with Blaise before Theo spoke up, "Well, you might find it interesting. Remus Lupin is the new DADA professor."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise. "Remus? Seriously? That's amazing!"

Blaise nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, and guess who the headmaster is? Severus Snape. Draco is not too happy about it. The Carrow twins, Amycus and Alecto, are also on the teaching staff, handling Muggle Studies and Etiquette, respectively."

Harry's eyebrows shot up. "Snape is the headmaster? That is unexpected but I am really not surprised. And Draco? Why would he not be happy with Snape being the headmaster? Snape always liked him"

Theo leaned back, crossing his arms. "Well, it would be better if you ask Draco about that. It is not our story to tell. You seem happy about Professor Lupin returning. You really liked him in the third year, it seems?"

Harry's expression softened. "Yeah, Remus is my godfather. We're really close. I had no idea he was coming back to Hogwarts, though. It's a pleasant surprise."

Theo smiled. "Sounds like a promising school year. You must be excited to have your godfather as a professor."

Harry nodded, a mix of emotions coursing through him. "Absolutely. Remus is a great teacher, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with him. I would have spent this vacation with him but I ended up at Malfoy Manor. So, I missed him and Sirius a lot."

"Sirius? As in Sirius Black?"  asked Theodore Nott, surprised.

"That's the one. He is my other Godfather and before you ask, he is innocent. He didn't sell my parents out, Pettigrew did. The Dark Lord only went after my parents because Dumbledore convinced him that they wanted to kill him. He also convinced my parents against hiding somewhere safe so I could have been saved. Dumbledore killed my parents or rather got them killed." replied Harry, getting an excited glint in his eyes as he talked about the only two parental figures he had left in his life which soon left as he talked about the former headmaster of Hogwarts.

Theodore wrapped his arms around the adorable neko in order to cheer him up. Blaise too started peppering Harry's face with soft kisses evoking sweet giigles from the ravenette.

 Blaise too started peppering Harry's face with soft kisses evoking sweet giigles from the ravenette

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