Chapter 37 | I kneel only for you

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Life had lost its lustre, the once vibrant colours dulled to muted shades of grey. Each day felt like a monotonous chore, devoid of the spark that once ignited his spirit. The world seemed to move around him in a blur, leaving him feeling disconnected and adrift.

The only semblance of emotion that stirred within him was in the presence of the Dark Lord. In those moments, when they were together, Draco felt alive, his heart beating with a fervour that defied the numbness that had settled over him. He clung to Marvolo like a lifeline, his desperation for connection evident in the way he sought out the Dark Lord's presence at every opportunity.

Yet, even in the warmth of his mate's embrace, Draco couldn't shake the gnawing guilt that plagued him. He knew that his clinginess was holding Marvolo back, preventing him from attending meetings and engagements that were undoubtedly of importance.

Try as he might to resist, Draco found himself unable to let go of the man, his Veela instincts raging against any attempt of the Dark Lord to leave. It was a constant battle, one that left Draco feeling powerless, out of control and insecure. He didn't want the man to grow annoyed with him and inevitably leave. Why couldn't his Veela understand that? He felt as if he was forcing himself onto his mate.

The realization that he couldn't control his own desires filled Draco with frustration and self-loathing.

Despite Marvolo's reassurances, Draco couldn't silence the voice in his mind that whispered of his inadequacy and the fact that he was easily replaceable. Why was his mate working so hard to make sure he was okay? Before his death, if there was anything that Severus had made crystal clear and ingrained in his bones it was that the Dark Lord could have thousands waiting for him. He wasn't worth the trouble, surely.

Yet, a day before Yule, Tom Riddle coaxed Draco out of his room with a promise of a surprise. Reluctantly, Draco followed his mate, knowing that he wouldn't have gotten out of bed for anyone else. Upon reaching the room-the Dark Lord's study-Marvolo seated him down on his chair, making sure that he was comfortable and opened a drawer, pulling out a velvet box.

Draco's heart fluttered with apprehension as he hesitantly opened the box, his breath catching in his throat at the sight inside. Chokers. In that moment, Draco had quite forgotten how to breathe. This was a very significant step in any courting; wixen, creature or otherwise and it was not to be taken lightly. This was sacred per the olde ways. Wearing a choker like this would mark him as Marvolo's, tethering him to the Dark Lord in a way that was exhilarating. It would send a clear message to the world that he belonged to someone, that he was spoken for, and that he was off-limits to all but his mate. These weren't just pieces of jewellery; they were symbols of ownership, declarations of devotion that carried a weight far beyond their material value.

But it would also expose their relationship to the scrutiny of the whole world. Draco knew that the Dark Lord and he hadn't actively tried to hide their relationship however, they hadn't told any Death Eater except Theodore, Snape, Bellatrix and Lucius either. Draco was sure that he hadn't told anyone. Snape was dead. Bellatrix had been taken care of and Lucius was too scared to do anything. Thus, the Death Eaters had no idea that their lord was courting someone.

But with that proclamation of ownership came a host of potential dangers. The thought of the Death Eaters discovering their relationship filled Draco with dread; he couldn't bear the thought of tarnishing Marvolo's reputation or lowering his stature in their eyes. The Death Eaters, loyal as they were to Marvolo, knew about Lucius selling Draco out as a common whore. They would never accept their relationship because in their eyes The Dark Lord deserved someone loads better than a used slut. They might not say anything outright in fear of punishment but would gossip amongst themselves. They viewed Draco as nothing more than a possession, a tool to be used and discarded at their master's whim and would not stand for him being the Dark Lord's official consort. And as much as Marvolo would deny that the Death Eater's comments would not affect him, all his plans were based on those Death Eaters working for him and following his orders.

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