Chapter 11 | The Proposition

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -

"Yes, of course, my lord," Lucius responded, a mix of anxiety and apprehension in his voice.

An hour later, the Dark Lord knocked on Draco's door. The sight that met his eyes as the door opened left him momentarily stunned. Draco stood before him in formal robes, and that was it. His hair, fashioned into a loose French braid with a few strands framing his face, added an effortless charm. Draco hadn't put much effort into his outfit, yet he looked undeniably beautiful. The Dark Lord couldn't help but admire Draco's appearance, a thought flickering in his mind about how Draco would look without—

No. Tom. Bad Tom. No. Bad.

Tom shook his head, attempting to dispel his creature's intrusive thoughts. "Shall we go?" he asked Draco.

Draco nodded, following the Dark Lord to the dining room. Lucius and Narcissa were already present, rising as the Dark Lord entered, with Draco trailing behind. Tom Riddle smirked and directed Draco to sit on his right, where Lucius had intended to sit. Lucius, looking pained, silently took a seat next to Narcissa.

As small talk ensued, Lucius engaged Tom in a conversation about politics. The Dark Lord subtly steered the discussion toward Hogwarts, awaiting the moment for Lucius to mention it. When the word "Hogwarts" left Lucius's lips, Tom Riddle seized the opportunity, cutting him off mid-sentence and turning toward Draco, who had been quietly eating.

"Draco, you attended Hogwarts. What is your favourite subject?" Tom Riddle inquired.

Draco, initially confused, began to answer. "Ancient Runes," he said, launching into an informative rant about his favoured subject. Draco spoke passionately, and even though about half an hour had passed, it certainly did not seem like Draco was planning on stopping anytime soon. Lucius, however, was horrified at his son's audacity to converse with the Dark Lord in such an informal tone. Tom Riddle, on the other hand, revelled in the pleasure derived from the horrified expression on Lucius's face. Oh Merlin! The Dark Lord was enjoying this so much.

Returning his attention to Draco, the Dark Lord found himself noticing details he hadn't before. Draco's cheeks ached from smiling, a faint blush adorned his features, and a small pout formed on his face when discussing something he disliked, he bit his lips in the moments he stopped speaking to take in a large breath of air, how long Draco's lashes were, his eyes - Merlin and Morganna - weren't grey; they were mercury, ashen, storm, mist, steel and silver all at the same time. 

Heavens and Hell! Tom Riddle fell in love with Draco Lucius Malfoy right then, right there.

Lucius, attempting to stop Draco, whispered his name. Draco froze, the colour draining from his face as he comprehended the implications of his actions. He turned to meet his father's eyes, a mixture of embarrassment, coldness, and fury emanating from Lucius. Fearfully, Draco looked down at his lap, taking a deep breath. The Dark Lord had assured him that nothing would happen, but a nagging feeling persisted, suggesting that he might be in deep trouble.

"My lord," Draco began, lifting his head with an apology ready on his lips.

"Yes, go on. You stopped speaking," the Dark Lord urged.

"No, no, my lord. I shouldn't have started rambling," Draco admitted, feeling the weight of his father's disapproval.

"Why? It's not every day that you come across someone with such in-depth knowledge of the subject. I'll let you know that Ancient Runes is my favourite subject as well. It's not everybody's cup of tea to cast runes and make them work. I am sure that you would know how to cast them even though that isn't in your syllabus," the Dark Lord praised.

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