Chapter 46 | Insatiable

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Draco had remembered to give the man a good luck kiss before he apparated away.

Weeks stretched into months, each passing day marked by Draco's restless pacing and the quiet hum of anticipation that filled the halls of Slytherin Manor. Marvolo's first task was to secure the allegiance of the Veela community. Two weeks dragged by with excruciating slowness for Draco, his thoughts consumed by visions of Marvolo navigating the intricate politics of the Veela. Finally, when Marvolo returned, Draco's heart soared with relief and pride as he listened to his alpha recount his mission's success. 

But there was little time for celebration, as Marvolo departed once again, this time to win over the vampires to their cause. Five weeks passed in a blur of anxiety and anticipation for Draco. When Marvolo returned, weary but triumphant, Draco's relief was palpable. The vampires had pledged their support.

Their journey was far from over, however, as Marvolo set his sights on the centaur community next. For four long weeks, Draco waited with bated breath.

When Marvolo finally returned, Draco greeted him with open arms, his relief mingled with pride as Marvolo revealed that the centaurs had agreed to join their cause. The news filled Draco with hope, his faith in Marvolo's abilities reaffirmed by their success.

The cool evening air swam through the open windows of Slytherin Manor as Marvolo returned from his meeting with the sirens

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The cool evening air swam through the open windows of Slytherin Manor as Marvolo returned from his meeting with the sirens. His steps echoed softly in the grand corridors as he made his way to their chambers, his mind still abuzz with the success of his negotiations.

As he entered the room, the sight of Draco waiting for him filled Marvolo's heart with warmth. Draco's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he listened to Marvolo recount the details of his meeting, his smile a beacon of joy amidst the darkness of their world.

They talked late into the night, their conversation weaving between topics both mundane and profound. Marvolo found himself drawn to Draco's presence, his heart swelling with love for the omega who had captured his soul.

Eventually, exhaustion began to weigh heavily on their eyelids, and they nestled into each other's embrace, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

The following morning, Draco stirred from his sleep, a faint sense of discomfort gnawing at his senses. As he shifted in bed, a wave of warmth washed over him, followed by a sudden annoyance at the fact his heat had started.

With a sense of urgency, Draco slipped out of bed, his movements quick and purposeful as he began to pack a bag. Before he could make an escape, Marvolo stirred from his slumber and the scent of vanilla and cinnamon infiltrated his senses, a heavenly aroma that immediately woke up the demon within Marvolo.

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