Chapter 43 | A Devil From Hell (Part ⅠⅠ)

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
"My beloved Draco, you are the light of my life, the one who has brought warmth and purpose to my existence. From this day forward, I vow to protect you, to cherish you, and to keep you safe from all harm. You are mine, body and soul, and I will not rest until the world knows that you belong to me. I promise to be your shield, your champion, and your unwavering protector, to stand between you and any who would dare to harm you. I pledge to honour and cherish you, to provide for your every need, and to shower you with all the love and adoration you deserve. With you by my side, I am whole, and I vow to spend the rest of my days proving my devotion to you, my beloved Draco, now and forevermore."

With practised precision, they healed their wounds, the magic knitting flesh together seamlessly. Then, side by side, they knelt upon the earth, planting the yew and holly trees with the blood in the goblet, their bloodied hands nurturing the soil, a symbol of their shared future.

Finally, as the officiator pronounced them bound in matrimony, Draco felt a surge of exhilaration and nervousness mingled together. But as the Dark Lord's lips met his own in a searing kiss, all doubts melted away, replaced by a fierce determination to stand by his side, no matter the cost.

Following the ceremony, guests were ushered into the grand banquet hall, where tables groaned under the weight of sumptuous delicacies and fine wines. The air was filled with laughter and merriment as guests toasted to the newlyweds, their voices mingling with the strains of celestial music that filled the air. Amidst the revelry, Marvolo and Draco stole moments alone, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of love and devotion.

As the evening wore on, Marvolo and Draco took to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. The strains of a hauntingly beautiful melody filled the air as they swayed in each other's arms, their movements graceful and fluid. With each step, they seemed to transcend the confines of time and space, lost in the magic of the moment and the depth of their love.

As the festivities drew to a close, Marvolo and Draco bid farewell to their guests, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the love and support they had received. 

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As they materialized in front of the imposing Slytherin Manor, Draco's heart raced with a heady mix of anticipation and nervousness. The Dark Lord's arm snaked around his waist, effortlessly lifting him up in a bridal embrace. Draco's protests died on his lips as he looked into those piercing crimson eyes, seeing both power and tenderness reflected back at him.

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