Chapter 33 | Truth Always Prevails

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Remus hesitated before speaking. "Dumbledore manipulated Harry, placed compulsion charms on him, and forcefully sent him to live with the Dursleys. Harry needed time alone to process everything, especially after Dumbledore's death. At least that is what Harry said. I know he is hiding something or isn't telling us the whole truth but I have faith in him. If he wants to tell us, he will. We could have raised him together, Padfoot. He would have had a normal childhood - a happy childhood! You wouldn't have been in Azkaban. We could have been a happy family. Dumbledore apparently ruined all of that as per what Harry implied."

Sirius's eyes narrowed. "Compulsion charms? Manipulation? Moony, what the hell happened to our world? And why are you so calm about this?"

Remus sighed deeply. "I'm not calm, Sirius. I'm just trying to understand and support Harry. He's been through a lot, and he's just discovered that a man who he trusted his whole life was manipulating him. He probably doesn't know who to trust. I hate to think this but I believe he doesn't fully trust us either. I don't want to overwhelm him, Padfoot. I want to go by his pace."

Sirius sighed as well, running a hand through his hair. "I don't like this, Moony."

The air in the room seemed charged with unspoken emotions as Sirius gazed at Remus, a mixture of concern, determination and tears in his stormy grey eyes. Remus, in turn, met his gaze, the flickering firelight casting a warm glow on his features. The gravity of the situation hung between them like an invisible veil, but underneath it all was an unspoken understanding.

Remus took a sip of his fire whiskey, his eyes never leaving Sirius's. "I know this is a lot to take in, Sirius. But Harry needs our support now more than ever."

Sirius nodded, his expression softening. "I get that, Moony. I just need to wrap my head around everything. I want to be there for Harry. I don't want him to pull away from us because of Dumbledore"

Remus, sensing a need for a momentary escape from the weight of the discussion, stood up and walked toward the window, glancing out at the moonlit grounds of Hogwarts. Sirius followed suit, his eyes fixed on Remus's silhouette against the night sky.

"Moony," Sirius began, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and longing. "I hope we can fix this."

Remus turned to face him, the moonlight highlighting the contours of his face. There was a silent acknowledgement in his eyes, a recognition of the years they had spent apart.

"I hope the same, Sirius," Remus admitted, his voice a gentle murmur. He hated seeing Sirius like this - hopeless. The only two other times he had seen Sirius like this was the first time they had talked about his home life and the other time was when James and Lily had died.

Sirius closed the distance between them, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Their eyes locked.

Dusty grey and Chocolate brown.

Sirius cupped Remus's face in his hands, his touch tentative and filled with love. Remus, in response, leaned into the contact, the lines of worry on his face softening.

Their lips met in a tender, hesitant kiss, a silent affirmation of the bond that had endured through time and distance. The kiss deepened gradually. The warmth of the fire, the moonlight spilling through the window, and the taste of fire whiskey on their lips created an intimate backdrop to their reunion.

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