Chapter 29 | Omegas are meant to be worshipped

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Previously on When the Devil Falls -
Stupid. Stupid is what Lucius Malfoy was because in the midst of his internal hate rant about his own son, he had forgotten that the Dark Lord was a master Legilimens and in his current state there was no way that Lucius could hide his thoughts from him. Tom Riddle heard each and every word the ex-Malfoy lord thought about Draco and shook his head in disappointment at the fake apology.

As the Dark Lord continued his threats and Lucius attempted his insincere apologies, Draco couldn't help but tear up. The Dark Lord had gone to extraordinary lengths for him. In that moment, Draco realized the depth of his love for Tom Riddle. He knew he would give up everything else in this world, sell his soul just for a few seconds with him. Draco knew he would kill and he would happily die if he asked him to. Draco bestowed upon a smile as if he had glimpsed an ethereal being—a fallen archangel, resplendent and ruthless. In the embrace of his mate, he beheld a guardian, a sentinel destined to shield him from life's adversities and keep the flames of safety alight for all eternity. The profound emotions stirred within him, a melodic symphony of love and something more as if he had uncovered a timeless truth—a love that transcended the mundane and embraced the celestial. Oh, how splendidly his heart danced, for in his mate's presence, Draco found a sanctuary that would endure the test of time and hold him in an eternal haven of serenity.

Turning his attention back to his father, Draco felt nothing but disgust for the man in front of him Draco's eyes remained fixed on the man who had once claimed to be his father. The sincerity of Lucius Malfoy's words crumbled like a fragile facade, revealing the rot beneath. Draco's tearful gaze turned from disappointment to disgust, a sharp contrast to the compassionate expression he had worn when he thought of the Dark Lord. Lucius wasn't his father, and he never would be. This man had used Draco for personal gain, selling him out like a sex toy without a second thought. He subjected Draco to the Cruciatus Curse whenever it pleased him, and dictated every aspect of his life—how he talked, walked, dressed, and ate. Draco struggled to find an aspect of his life Lucius didn't assert his control in. Now, he dared to ask for forgiveness with a half-baked, insincere apology.

With a slow shake of his head, Draco made his decision clear. He would never forgive the man standing before him, for forgiveness required genuine remorse, and Lucius Malfoy had shown nothing but a façade of regret. Draco's heart had found a family with the devil and in that family, there was no room for the betrayer who knelt before them.

The Dark Lord's lips curled into a triumphant smirk as he witnessed Draco's blatant dismissal of Lucius' insincere apology. Turning to the kneeling man, he seized Lucius by the throat, forcing him to face the embodiment of darkness.

"Well, well, well. It appears Draco wasn't swayed by your supposedly heartfelt and remorseful apology," Tom Riddle declared, relishing the twisted satisfaction that danced in his blood-red eyes. His vice-like grip on Lucius' throat tightened, serving as a silent prelude to the torment awaiting the fallen patriarch. "You are staying here. The only thing left to do now is to see how many rounds of punishment you can endure until you give up on life."

The gravity of the situation struck Lucius, and desperation clawed its way into his consciousness. The primal instinct to survive overrode his pride and arrogance. In a desperate plea, Lucius screamed and cried for Draco's forgiveness, his voice echoing through the damp dungeon. However, Draco had already stepped out of the cell with the Dark Lord, who only smiled at him and said "Omegas are meant to be worshipped, Lucius, not used" before callously shutting the door in his face.

The wails of despair and the rattling of chains within the cell formed a dissonant symphony, drowned out by the unrelenting echoes of darkness that permeated the dungeon.

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