Chapter 31 | Delusions and Realities

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Previously on When The Devil Falls  -
After the oath was sealed, Harry spoke up.

Harry spoke up, "I needed some time alone to deal with Dumbledore's death. It affected me a lot. Moving on to the more important topic, I am glad Blaise and Theo are already here -"

Harry was abruptly cut off by a furious Ron. "What do you mean by you needed some time alone? You are HARRY Potter - the boy who lived. You are strong; you should have gotten over it. Don't act like such a pussy. And why the fuck are you calling these slimy snakes by their names?"

"Detention, Mr. Weasley," announced Snape, his voice cutting through the rising tension. 

Harry exchanged a knowing look with Blaise, who calmly added, "He is calling us by our names because we are his mates." Blaise pointed to Theo and himself. 

Jaws dropped, and portraits stared wide-eyed.

"What?" screeched Ginny.

Harry calmly nodded, "I went through my inheritance this summer. They are my mates."

"HARRY! They must have cursed you. No way are you their mate! You are supposed to marry Ginny. She is your girlfriend!" Hermione protested.

"Yeah, mate. How could you do this to my sister? You love her! These snakes must have put some sort of spell on you or fed you a love potion!" Ron accused.

"No, she isn't my girlfriend, Hermione! We broke up before Dumbledore's death, and I had made it clear that I would never like her romantically! And my mates have not fed me a love potion. My Neko recognized them!" explained Harry.

"So what? You are a faggot now! I have been sleeping in the same dormitory as you for the past six years! Did you get off on seeing me naked?" spat Ron in disgust.

"What? No, Ron! Are you even hearing what bullshit you are saying right now? Because I don't think so! I made it clear to your sister that I did not love her, and if she can't get over a breakup, it is not my fault. She is the one living in delusion! I am no god! I am not perfect! I needed some time to myself because I was sick of you! All of you! I felt suffocated with you. Blaise and Theo are my mates, and no comment of yours will change that. Get it inside your thick head! Dumbledore was a manipulative old bastard, and honestly, I am glad he died!" Harry declared, his patience wearing thin.

Even more gasps rang out through the room as the shocking revelations unfolded, leaving the occupants of Snape's office in a state of disbelief and confusion.

"Mr. Potter! That is no way to talk about your former headmaster! He was a pious man! Whatever he did was for the greater good of the world!" said McGonagall.

Amidst the gasps and murmurs, Ron's face turned a shade of crimson, his anger boiling over. "You ungrateful git! You think you can just abandon everything and come back, flaunting these Slytherin bastards as your mates? What happened to being loyal to your friends? You are a bloody Gryffindor! Act like it!"

Hermione, with her trademark disapproval etched across her face, chimed in, "Harry, this is preposterous! Slytherins are not to be trusted. You can't possibly believe you've found love with these... these snakes. Your parents would never have approved."

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