Chapter 13 | Efflorescence

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
The kiss was a cascade of warmth and passion, a dance of souls intertwining. Draco, though initially surprised, melted into the kiss, feeling nothing but Desperation and longing from the man in front of him. He too, reciprocated with understanding and love. There was someone in this world who loved him and who wanted him even after he knew of what had happened. Damn it all to hell! Even if it was the Dark Lord, Draco had zero fucks to give. Deciding that this kiss was too good for him to think. Draco stopped; Draco stopped thinking and poured all of him into that kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Tom gazed into Draco's eyes, "I embrace you as my mate and as my submissive. In you, I find my sanctuary and solace. I pledge my devotion to you, ensuring your safety and protection for all time. I willingly shoulder the burdens meant for you, praying that every trial destined for your path be redirected to me. May god give me all the pain and sorrow fated to you. I desire to be more than your dominant; I want to love you and I wish to be completely and eternally yours."

The sincerity and truth in Tom Riddle's eyes overwhelmed Draco. With a sudden burst of courage, Draco leaned forward and kissed the man in front of him. This kiss was not passionate, but slow and sweet. Draco couldn't fathom that the Dark Lord was capable of such gentleness. The faint feeling of the Dark Lord's fingertips on his back—a touch so featherlight and restrained—made him feel as delicate as glass. Draco sensed Tom Riddle restraining himself, even after all those years of longing. He was holding himself back because of Draco's past experiences with such intimate things, leaving him feeling a little guilty for making the man wait, even after all these years.

Breaking the kiss, Draco and Tom Riddle found themselves in a profound gaze, lost within the depths of each other's eyes. Draco's stormy grey eyes, now softened by the intimacy they had just shared, reflected vulnerability and a hint of disbelief. The delicate arch of his eyebrows conveyed a mix of emotions—surprise, happiness and love.

On the other side, Tom Riddle's dark, blood-red eyes held a depth that seemed to pierce through the very soul of Draco. At that moment, the stoic facade of the Dark Lord seemed to dissolve, replaced by genuine concern and care for his submissive.

Draco, still caught in the lingering moment, timidly and shyly looked away, a faint blush adorning his cheeks. His gaze eventually met Tom Riddle's, and with a soft-spoken voice, he asked, "What now?"

Tom Riddle, ever the composed and enigmatic figure, couldn't help but be charmed by Draco's bashful demeanour. A subtle smile played on his lips as he replied, "Dinner? You haven't had a proper lunch either. You were too busy praising the art of Ancient Runes"

 You were too busy praising the art of Ancient Runes"

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"He has my mark. I own him, body and soul. Any right you had over him has crumbled into oblivion. I will punish him however and whenever I see fit. You have lost that authority. He is irrevocably mine." said the Dark Lord, hellfire raging in his eyes.

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