Chapter 51 | 3 Years Later....

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
At that moment, Draco and Marvolo knew that they would cherish this moment forever, the day their son uttered his first word—and it was for his mama. Draco had never felt more proud of anyone as much as he was feeling now for his son. An immense sense of gratitude filled him for Mother Magic who had blessed him with such family. Marvolo too, realized that the joy of parenthood could never be replaced by anything else. He realized no matter how taxing it was, it made you feel proud.

~~~Time Skip~~~3 Years Later~~~~Time Skip~~~

Nicolas giggled with delight as he chased after the majestic peacocks, his tiny legs pumping with excitement as he tried to keep up with the colourful birds. His laughter echoed through the gardens of the Malfoy Manor, filling the air with pure joy.

Draco sat behind him, a fond smile gracing his features as he watched his son's antics with adoration. Beside Draco, Marvolo sat with a look of quiet contentment, his gaze fixed on their son with pride and affection. He reached out to squeeze Draco's hand gently, a silent gesture of shared happiness as they watched Nicolas's carefree play.

"He's got such a way with animals," Draco murmured, his voice filled with fondness as he watched Nicolas chase after a magnificent albino peacock. 

Marvolo nodded, a smile gracing his features as he reached out to gently squeeze Draco's hand. "He's definitely inherited your charm with the peacocks," he replied, his eyes sparkling with affection as he watched Nicolas laughing and playing.

Together, they sat in quiet companionship, basking in the simple joy of watching their son explore the world around him. 

Nicolas gathered an armful of vibrant flowers, his small hands carefully selecting the brightest blooms he could find. With a triumphant grin, he skipped back to where Draco and Marvolo were sitting, his eyes shining with excitement as he presented them with his colourful bouquet.

"Look what I found, Mama, Papa!" Nicolas exclaimed, his cheeks flushed with the thrill of his discovery. "For you!"

Draco's heart swelled with love as he accepted the flowers from his son, a soft smile gracing his lips. "Thank you, Nicolas," he said, his voice warm with affection as he pinched his son's cheeks with love. "They're beautiful, just like you."

Marvolo ruffled Nicolas's hair affectionately, a proud smile tugging at his lips. "You're such a thoughtful little boy," he said, his voice filled with pride. 

With a smile brighter than the shining sun, The heir to the Dark decided that he'd wasted enough time and the peacocks were missing him and thus, went back to playing.

Surrounded by love and happiness, Marvolo and Draco failed to notice the eyes that followed them. With a silent determination, the cloaked figure continued to watch, their eyes narrowed in concentration and hatred as they observed every movement, every whispered conversation. 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden, the figure melted back into the darkness, their presence fading like a phantom into the night.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden, the figure melted back into the darkness, their presence fading like a phantom into the night

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