Chapter 12: I Wish You Would

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September 15, 2023

"Jin" Jimin said searching for Jin in his room. As usual, he found the latter on his balcony. "It's cold out here. Let's get inside?"

"I'll get in after few more minutes."

"If you'll get sick, it will not be good for your baby." Jimin said.

Jin looked at his flat stomach. He rubbed it with his hand. "I still can't believe that something is in here."

"I know. Who'd have thought we'll have a small Jin running around the house soon." Jimin said smiling at Jin. Excitement evident in his eyes.

"Or little Jungkook." Jin answered which saddened Jimin.

"Jin, look..."

"Let's get inside." Jin said, and left Jimin.

Jimin sighed knowing how this must hurt a lot for Jin.

He looked down from the balcony and saw a familiar car. He sighed deeply knowing so well how Jungkook wanted to see Jin.

When Jimin entered Jin's room, he saw the latter busy looking at his phone.

"Are you okay, Jin?" He asked.

"Uhm, yeah. Is Taehyung downstairs?" He asked knowing that both of his friends are staying in his house eversince he told them about his pregnancy.

"He is. You need anything?"

"Uh, no. Why don't we have dinner outside tonight?"

Jimin was surprised to hear Jin even talk about eating, moreof eating outside.

He went near Jin to verify if he is hearing his friend correctly. "J-Jin? You want us to eat dinner outside?"

Jin smiled at him but not a smile that he usually has. He nodded and said "yeah, why not? We've been confined in my house for a few nights already. Maybe it's fine to see what the world outside is."

"Okay! I'll inform Taehyung immediately!" Jimin said rushing outside Jin's door.

"Okay. I'll just take a shower, too."

Jin looked at his phone again when Jimin was outside. He answered it as soon as he was sure that Jimin is far from his room.

"You should go home." He said right away when he answered the call. "People will see you. I don't want anymore of this right now."

"How are you?"

"I don't think it's something you would understand. You are not in my position. You will never know how I feel."

"Jin, I don't think... I can't do it right now, Jin... I promise, as soon as..."

"Goodbye, Jungkook. Please stop calling me." He said and ended the call. He breathe deeply and felt his heart ache a lot more.

He tried to calm himself and rubbed his belly again. "We'll be happy together. With or without your dad, we will be happy. Appa will always be with you no matter what." He said in a whisper before wiping the tears that is slowly falling on his cheeks.


"Did you talk to Jungkook?" Jimin asked his husband while they were taking their breakfast.

Yoongi breathe out.

"He's still driving down the street."

"I know." Yoongi answered.

"How is he coping up?" Jimin asked.

"He's having challenges." Yoongi answered. He held Jimin's hand when he saw his husband almost teary-eyed. "I promise, we will be able to find a way. After the concert, I will work on it."

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