Chapter 26: Suburban Legends

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"Where is he?" Jin's dad asked when Chaeyoung opened the door.

"He is resting, Mr. Kim." She answered.

"It's not right to do this, Seok Hoon. Your son deserves to decide for himself." Jin's mom said to his husband.

Seok Hoon turned to her. "And what? Let him do all those mistakes again?"

"What mistakes?" Jin asked going out of his room.

"What right do you have to reject Namjoon?!"

Jin was surprised to see his dad this mad at him. He was speechless by the sudden shouting from his dad as this is the first time he heard him to be this disappointed at him.

"What do you mean?"

"He's the only thing that is right that happened in your life! And you have the guts to reject him?!" He said pointing his fingers at Jin.

"Seok Hoon, that is enough!" His mom said.

"So everything I did, everything I have sacrificed, all of it were my mistakes?" Jin suddenly asked.

"Seokjin-ah, you're dad is mad right now. Please don't say too much." His mom begged.

"Yes! The moment you fell in love with Jungkook, prioritizing him over us, and having a child with him! Everything! Everything is a mistake! You don't learn do you?" His dad kept on.

The words he said hurt Jin a lot.

"You are saying all of these just because I did not agree to marry Namjoon?"

"You missed your chance in marrying the only person who will accept all the mistakes you made!" His dad kept on.

"You don't know what you are saying. I will think that you are saying this only because you are mad." Jin said trying not to fight his dad. All he said were true except that Jungwon is a mistake.

"I know what I am saying and I am tired of you! Your brother was able to settle down without any scandal on his name but here you are, with a child, husband less and the only person who is supposed to help you improve your name!" His dad continued not backing down.

Jin started crying and looked at his dad face to face.

"Seokjin-ah, no." His mom begged knowing what Jin was about to do. Jin did not back down.

"If you are that disappointed with me and is proud of my brother why don't you let him handle the company? Why did you push me to go back and give the company to me? Because I'm the only one who can help you right? I'm the only one who can run the company better than you! Yes, I fell in love. I only had one person touch resulting to Jungwon! Jungwon is never a mistake! I might have made a mistake multiple times, but I would never take him as one.

The greatest mistake I ever did is to think that I can find love same as yours and mom with Jungkook. I thought it's easy to forgive someone who committed a mistake in the relationship! How many times have you hurt mom but still she did not leave you? I thought this is what love is. I let people hurt me. I let the media belittle me. I did not look at myself as deserving of love.

I settled for Namjoon because he was kind to me. I thought he understands me! But no! He doesn't know what I am thinking. He doesn't understand what I feel. He was never a dad to Jungwon!"

"He is trying to be a dad to Jungwon but you kept on pushing your child to Jungkook! You don't even give him a chance!"

"What do you know?!" Jin asked angrily.

"I know because he would always tell me!"

"I am your son. Did you even ask me?" Jin asked sadly.

"Seok Hoon, this is too much!" Jin's mom suddenly shouted and both looked at her. "You are impossible! How can you say all of these to Seokjin! He might have made a mistake but it will be more a mistake if he'll marry someone he doesn't love and someone who would just pull him and Jungwon down! Seokjin is a grown man!"

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