Chapter 22: Too Sad To Dance

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Short update...

3 days before their last Europe concert, Jungkook was seen by Yoongi drinking non-stop at an exclusive club.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.


"I know. It's obvious. What are you actually doing here drinking?" He asked again clarifying his question.

Instead of answering, Jungkook gave him the bottle he got from the ocean when he went fishing yesterday. Yoongi took the paper out of the bottle and read it.

"Look, this is just a paper." Yoongi said.

"But it's true, right?" Jungkook said while tugging his beer down.

"Look, media are outside. If they see you drunk like this, it will be all over the news. You just have one more concert, let's keep it clean, okay?"

Jungkook finished his drink and nodded at Yoongi.

"Had my car parked at the back. There's lesser people there. Let's go?"

"I tried calling Jin earlier to talk to Jungwon." Jungkook suddenly said. That got the attention of Yoongi.

"What did he say?"

"He said Jungwon finally went out with Namjoon that's why he can't do the video call. I am happy that Jungwon was able to open up with Namjoon, but it hurts a lot. He can freely go out with my child and here I am, I can't even say he is mine." Jungkook said. He was not able to control his emotions and his tears fell down his face. "I know I should accept it, but this is so hard, considering how I feel that my son is my only partner but I still get jealous when he starts opening up with other people."

"Kook, he's just a child. He needs someone to take care of him and this is the perfect time for Namjoon to show how much he also cares for him."

"I know, but I want it to be me! I want to be there for both Jin and Jungwon, but I can't! Because I'm a coward. I failed them both." Jungkook said. "And now I'm paying the price for it."

"Let's finish this concert tour smoothly and you can spend time with your kid, hm? I think you just miss him too much that's why you are saying this." Yoongi said.

Jungkook did not say anything but just went with Yoongi.

When Yoongi was sure that he can leave Jungkook alone in his hotel room, he left and let him rest.

Instead of resting, Jungkook tried calling Jin again.

"Hello?" Jin, knowing what is up with Jungkook, preferred answering the call.

"Are you at work?"

"Yes. I can call you after so that you can talk to Jungwon." Jin said trying to avoid the topic that Namjoon took him out.

"Okay. Can you stay on the phone with me?" He asked Jin.

Jin wanted to say he is busy at work but instead he breathe in. "Yeah, sure."

"I miss you." Jungkook said. Jin was sure that it was just his drunken state talking.

Jin did not answer but put Jungkook on speaker while listening to him and doing some of tasks at work.

"I wish I can be public with Jungwon. I also want to take him to the zoo and amusement park. I want us to go out as family."

Jin felt sad thinking about it. He felt sad for Jungkook and he felt sad that Jungwon will never have a normal family. He felt sad for himself because of how complicated he made his life. He is trying his best to build something with Namjoon but Jungwon is being complicated as a son, too.

"Jungwon and you watching my concert will be the best success for me. I feel so sad dancing whenever I don't get to talk to you or Jungwon. I miss you so bad. I regret all the mistakes I made. I am sorry for not fighting harder."

Jin stopped what he was doing and looked at his phone.

"I still love you and I will never love anyone else aside from you." Jungkook said with obvious sobs.

Jin reminded himself that Jungkook is just drunk and to not trust his words right now. Even though he's not drunk, he also reminded himself that he is currently with Namjoon. He took deep breaths and unmute his phone.

"Kook, you are drunk. Sleep first and I'll call you once I am home with Jungwon. We can talk when you wake up." Jin said.

Jungkook on the other hand just kept quiet and suddenly, ended the call.

He cried silently on his own, feeling the pain again of what he did.


"You did what?!" Namjoon said shouting over the phone.

"The divorce was finalized 3 months ago! I sent you a message about it and you never responded." Hoseok said to Namjoon over the phone.

"I thought we had a clear understanding that you won't sign it?"

"I just did!" Hoseok said. "I can't be in a torturous relationship anymore! I already helped you once, Kim Namjoon. So stop threatening me and my father, or I'll make sure that Seokjin will find all the things we've talked about!" Hoseok said before ending the call.

Namjoon, on the other hand, slammed the phone to the wall, leaving big damages to it.


He looked at Jungwon who was sleeping quietly in his room.

"If not for you, I would have gotten my chance! Fucking kid! I'll make sure that Jin and I will have a child of our own and Jin's attention will no longer be on you! You can have your dad for all you want, but I will never share Jin with you nor with anyone else." He said looking at Jungwon not knowing that Chaeyoung heard what he said as he was about to go inside when he heard Namjoon shouting.

Chaeyoung slowly and quietly left the room before Namjoon notices her.

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