Chapter 31: Moon

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The week in Jeju had been amazing for all 7 of them. Yoonji and Jungwon grew closer together to the point that both of them were crying non-stop when they had to go separate ways. Jin explained that they can form a weekend dinner with Yoonji's parents so that they can see each other more every week. That's the only reason for them to stop crying.

Since Jungkook's car was left on Jin's place, he was also left there before he gets to go home.

Taehyung helped them with their luggages while Jungkook carried Jungwon.

"Why don't you take coffee first?" Jin offered to Jungkook.

"I'll be fine." He answered quickly. He knows that Jin is not interested in forming any closer relationship with bim but he is happy how their trip helped them develop their friendship again. "Let me take Jungwon first to his room so that I can bid my goodbye to him after I help him shower and change his clothes."

"Okay. I'll also just take my shower. Knock before you go in case he falls asleep faster." He said.

After taking a shower, Jin wore his pajamas, had his night skin care routine and went to Jungwon's room.

He heard Jungwon and Jungkook still talking and decided not to interfere. He was about to go to the kitchen to get water when he heard what Jungwon said.

"I want to stay with you and Appa always."

Jin had to stop his steps. He was suddenly frozen and realized the reality of their situation. This is the first time Jungwon had to say something like this, as if asking for a normal family even though he doesn't know that there's something wrong with his.

He waited for Jungkook's response.

"Me and your Appa can't stay in the same house. It's complicated." Jungkook answered.

"But Yoonji's Appa and Daddy are together." He said in a mumble but it's obvious that he was saying while having his cupped milk, based on how he was talking.

"I understand, Woonie, however, Appa and Daddy are not---"

"Jungwon, baby, why are you still awake?" Jin suddenly barged in, stopping Jungkook from saying. "Aren't you tired yet?"

"I want Daddy." He said with a sad face.

"Don't worry, baby, Daddy will be here when you wake up." Jin said.

"He will?"

"I will?"

Jungwon and Jungkook asked at the same time. Both were surprised but with different emotions laced to it. Jungwon is happy, knowing he'll wake up with his appa and daddy. Jungkook is confused, but also happy inside, but more confused of why Jin decided to let him stay.

"Yes. If he wants to, he can stay with us. Chaeyoung will be back next week, it will be nice to have a helping hand while he's here." Jin said to his son, but like already a question with Jungkook.

"Yey!" Jungwon said. He went down from his bed and hugged his Appa. "Thank you, Appa!" He then went to his son. "Will you be staying, Daddy?" He then asked his other father.

Jungkook looked at Jungwon, not knowing what to say, his mind is still filled with questions. He then looked at Jin with a question in his head but when Jin smiled he looked back at his son. "I will, as long as your Appa wanted me here, then I will stay here." He said.

Jungwon was so happy and hugged him tightly. Jungkook feels like will explode with happiness. It is like a dream come true to have Jungwon and Jin in one roof. He always dreamt of this and he wanted to cry but did not want his son, nor Jin, to see it. He cried a lot in front of Jin during their Jeju trip.

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