Chapter 14: My Time

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"Do you know how dangerous your actions were?" Their company chairman asked as soon as Yoongi and Jungkook entered the room.

Jungkook was still not talking.

Yoongi looked at him then back to their chairman. When he was sure that Jungkook is still not in his right mind to talk, he tried his best to calm their chairman.

"It was my fault. I forgot to mention to Jungkook that his family is about to migrate, as you know, his family and him are not okay and---"

"I went there for Seokjin." Jungkook suddenly said which surprised Yoongi.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi said trying to stop his friend for talking more.

"What did you just say?" The chairman asked.

"He is not saying---" yoongi tried to interject.

"He is my first love and probably my forever love. I cried because he left me for good."

"Stop this now, Kook." Yoongi said asking his best to stop Jungkook from saying more. He went in between of the two and he looked at Jungkook. "Say more and you will hurt Jin."

"Tell me more, Jungkook." The chairman said, provoking Jungkook more.

Jungkook suddenly realized what he was saying. He held his breath and fisted his hands regretting all the words he said.

"Seokjin... Seokjin rejected me multiple times but I never stopped loving him." He said as an excuse while directly looking at his chairman's eyes.

The chairman was not convinced but if this is the best he can get, he'll just have to investigate more. He can't have his highest earner artist mistrust him.

"I will let it go this time but rest assured that I will investigate more on this and destroy Seokjin's name if I find out that you are lying to me or if you dare to defy and my son, Hoseok again." He said threatening Jungkook.

Jungkook wanted to punch him but he can't do anything. He instead walked away.

"I'll talk to him." Yoongi said rushing to follow Jungkook.

When he was able to catch him, he pulled him in an empty room. "Come with me." He said pulling him by his arm.

"Are you nuts? You know what that guy can do!" Yoongi said scolding Jungkook. "I told you earlier you just need to give me few months."

Jungkook pulled his arm away from Yoongi.

"You told me that you were sure he is not going anywhere! You promised me that our baby will be born here and I'll be informed when and in what place. Now that he's gone, he'll surely hide our baby from me! He left me! He did not even say goodbye! How will my baby know me?"

"Jungkook, relax. I also did not know. You have to trust me that this is all a surprise to me." Yoongi said explaining things to Jungkook.

Yoongi opened the door slightly and looked around to make sure that no one is nearby. He closed all the blinds to make sure no one will know who is inside.

"I heard from Jimin's conversation with him that he planned to jump out of his balcony 2 days ago." Yoongi said in a whisper.

The news surprised Jungkook.

"He is not well, Jungkook. As much as I want to help you settle things with him right now, him staying here and seeing you with Hoseok will drive him crazy. I told you about his flight to let you talk to him one last time but not to stop him." Yoongi confessed.

Jungkook was speechless knowing what happened to Jin and the fact that he almost lost Jin and his child because of his decision.

"I-- I... made th-the w-wrong de-decision." He said crying again. He supported himself with a desk at his back. "He is right, Yoongi. I-I sh-should've given up my c-career."

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