Chapter 16: Epiphany

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"I heard you had a constant visitor lately." Jimin said when Jin answered his video call request.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Should I wonder who said it to you knowing I am miles away from everyone of you guys?"

"Of course I will not confirm it." Jimin said chuckling. "You are glowing, Jin."

"It's getting harder by the day. I'm having a hard time walking and cleaning the house. I'm at my 8th month and the contractions are unavoidable lately." Jin said.

"I know. I also experience that. I can't work at home anymore but I also get bored if I will just be seating in the corner. I miss working for you. If Yoongi would agree, I want to go back to your company after giving birth."

"You might want to think about that again once your baby started playing around. I am sure you'll regret your decision." Jin said laughing at his friend's sudden decision.

"Jinnie, I have already cooked dinner. We can eat whenever you're ready." Jenny, the house keeper of Jin eversince she came to Australia, mentioned.

"Oh, sorry, that was Jenny. She got used to cooking dinner as well. She's a great cook and company. Even though she's old, she keeps me sane in this lonely house." Jin said.

"It's good that you have someone to talk with everyday."

"Trust me, you and Taehyung are enough. Did you know that Taehyung thinks he's the daddy of my baby? He started buying clothes and things! He even wanted to design the baby room already but I just disagreed." Jin said reminiscing the time when Taehyung kept on insisting to start painting the baby room blue when they learned the gender of the baby.

"Knowing Taehyung, I am sure he will be like that. He was living alone for quite a long time and he sure misses someone. Didn't he introduce anyone yet to you?"

"Hm, good question. I think because he was too focused on me, he also forgot to date. I'll put that in my notes to start looking for someone for him." Jin said writing it in his notepad.

"Jin! Jenny! I'm here! I brought groceries!" Jin heard from someone who just entered the house.

"Speaking of the devil! I told you, he thought we were domestic!" Jin said walking towards Taehyung.

"Oh! I think... that's too... domestic." Jimin said when he saw Taehyung in the screen fixing some groceries on Jin's elevator.

"Is that Jimin?" Tae asked and looked at the screen. "Hi, Jimin! Did you already check the height of your baby?"

"Whatever, Taehyung!"

"That's rude, Tae! By the way, Jenny already cooked dinner. You want to stay over?" Jin asked him.

"Only if I won't be disturbing a night again with Namjoon." Taehyung said rolling his eyes. "Jimin, did Jin tell you about that day when he was having an intimate dinner with Namjoon?"

"Wow! Spill the tea!" Jimin said.

"That is not true!" Jin said getting the tablet from Taehyung. "Namjoon just bought food and we ate it here. There is nothing intimate about that! Taehyung was just putting colors to every action of Namjoon."

"The guy is so close... too close to you." Taehyung commented.

"I am focusing on myself and my baby. I don't want to make the same mistakes as before. I am good with myself and I." Jin said confidently and Jimin smiled lovingly at his comment.

"I like that." Jimin said.

"I've wasted a lot of time not focusing on things I need to do, so now that I'm here I was able to do a lot of things. After giving birth, I'll be on my last semester for my Masteral degree, my dad will be so happy to know that." Jin said.

"They didn't know yet that you enrolled?" Jimin asked.

"Not yet. I plan on sending my diploma to them as a gift." Jin said smiling, proud of what he achieved so far.

"Wait! Sending it? You mean you're not going home yet?" Jimin asked as he knows that he should be back 6 months after giving birth.

"Well... I'm still thinking about. There may be a chance, but not final yet." Jin said thinking about it. "I also can't leave Taehyung here." He said jokingly.

"Hey! Don't say that! Jimin might blame me. My training here is done by the time you give birth so I'll be scheduled to go back to Korea unless you stay here. So, Jimin, it's not my fault if he won't go back home yet. It's purely his decision." Taehyung said.

Jin saw Jimin pouting. "Jimin, there are just things I need to figure out myself first and being alone made me realize how much I can do alone. I promise I will be back as soon as I figured things out."

"Well, what can I do? That's your decision anyway." Jimin said with obvious hurt in his tone.

"Jimin, please understand me."

"I do, Jin. Sorry if I appeared too pouty, I just miss you a lot. I have no one to talk to everyday."

"We talk via phone call everyday!"

"It's different!" Jimin said in a pout.

"Is Yoongi still not staying in Korea?"

Jimin shook his head. "They are busy but he'll be permanently home soon. He has his plans and so far it's going well."

"I hope the best for their plans." Jin said. "Jimin, we'll just take our dinner first. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, bye, Jin! Bye, Taehyung."

Upon ending the call, Jimin looked at the person in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jungkook answered. "He looks handsome pregnant. I miss him a lot."

"I know. You need to prepare for your wedding in 3 months. What are your plans?"

"None. I just hope Jin will be happy with Namjoon. I hope the guy won't hurt him the way I did." He said then stood up and left Jimin.

Jimin just sighed.

"I don't know why I even agreed to this. I feel like I am hurting you more, Jungkook."

Short but necessart update before we go to the next chapters...

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