Chapter 23: Bejeweled

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"This party is so cool!" Taehyung told Jin as soon as he was able to corner him in the kitchen.

"I tried to make it fun for adults and children." Jin answered.

"Jungwon was having fun anyways."

"Only because he was with his dad. He missed him a lot."

"I guess the feeling is mutual." Taehyung said remembering the interaction of Jungkook and Jungwon. "Where's the step-father by the way?" Taehyung asked while sipping his juice.

"He called last minute because of a sudden client need." Jin answered.

"Oh, well, it's not his son anyway." Taehyung said.

"Don't say that. Namjoon is trying hard. He wants to be there for Jungwon, too." Jin said.

"It doesn't look like it." Taehyung whispered.

"I heard that." Jin said. "He is trying harder than you think, Tae. He's just busy at work."

"You are trying harder to make him look like the good guy for us." Taehyung said. "This is not the Namjoon I've met in Australia and I am sure that the sudden change is because of a person named Jungkook. Come to think of it, he never attended any dinner where Jungkook was there."

"It's not what you think. He just got busy because of work."

"Too busy to even attend his future step-son's birthday." Taehyung continued not even having a filter to whatever he wanted to say.

"Tae, that's too much of accusation. You are my friend and I hope you can be one to Namjoon, too." He said.

"I can if he would show himself to me but he never did, so I'll judge him however I want." Taehyung said then leaving Jin.

Jin sighed, knowing that Taehyung is right. How can Namjoon prove himself if he never attended any of their dinner and even missing his son's birthday? Although, Jin thought that it's not his responsibility, he still hoped that Namjoon will put in a little bit of effort in having a good relationship with his friends.

"Don't think about it too much. Taehyung is just being a usual ass." He suddenly heard. He looked behind and he saw Jungkook standing by the door. "Sorry for listening to your conversation with him, I was just about to talk to you about Jungwon's schedule with me this week when I heard you talking to him."

"It's okay." Jin said and went back in throwing some trashes.

"How are you and N---?"

"I don't think we're already that close again to talk about it." Jin said being frustrated with all the conversations about Namjoon. When his parents came earlier, they were looking for him, same as when Jimin and Yoongi came.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said.

Jin breathe out. "Sorry, I should not have let out that emotion on you. It's just frustrating."

"I understand. I'll just go back to Jungwon. We can talk about the schedule of Jungwon later."

"Sorry, we can talk about it now." Jin said.

"It's okay. I also have plans after this. I need to go home early, I'll just spend more time with my son." Jungkook said then left Jin.

Jin got frustrated with himself because of how easily he got mad. He calmed himself first before getting back to the party.

When Jin got out of the kitchen, he observed him. The people around were just their friends who knew about Jungkook's relationship with Jungwon and Jin's family, so it's just an intimate party.

Is It Over Now?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora