Chapter 33: Eyes Open

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When Jin came back home, he was surprised that the duo are quiet. He looked around but did not notice anything out of ordinary.

He went straight to the pool but no one is there.

He looked in the kitchen but it's all clean and shiny, same with the dining room.

He then checked Jungwon's room and even before he entered, he heard muffled laughters from the inside. He knocked on the door and it was immediately opened by Jungkook showing his bunny smile.

"You're here!" He said.

"U-uhm, y-yeah... I'm here."

"Appa!" Jungwon shouted then running to him.

"Hello, my Jungwon! Did you enjoy your day with daddy?" He asked, picking up Jungwon. The child nodded excitedly.

"How was work?" Jungkook asked still with a smile.

"It was fine. Tiring. A lot of phone calls but their main concern was you." He chuckled.

"Oh." Jungkook said with a smile disappearing.

"I know right." Jin said. "But nothing that I can't handle. I totally forgot about the launch of our new product tomorrow and I think people will keep on asking about us instead of the product."

"What's your plan?"

Jin looked at Jungwon and smiled at him. "Jungwon, is it okay if you stay in your room first while me and daddy talk?"

"Will that be quick?" His son asked.

"Yes, of course. And then, appa will give back daddy so that you can play more while I prepare our dinner. How does that sound?" Jin asked.

"I like that." Jungwon answered.

"Okay, you can go now to your bed. Stay there while waiting for daddy, okay?" Jin said instructing Jungwon more.

"Okay, appa. I'll wait for you and daddy." He said then ran to his bed.

Jungkook smiled at his son and closed the door. He followed Jin to the living room.

They both sat at the long sofa with slight distance in between.

"If people will ask me tomorrow about Jungwon, I don't have plans of denying him nor you." Jin started quickly. "What are your thoughts about that?" He asked when he was not seeing any reaction from Jungkook.

"I actually don't see anything wrong with that. As I have told you, Yoongi also planned a press conference for me for the release of my new album. I am sure that there will also be questions about my relationship with Jungwon and I don't have any reason to lie about it.

Jungwon is my son and I am proud he is. What I am more worried about is your answer to the question about us."

Jin furrowed his brows and looked at Jungkook with questions in his eyes.

"I know that your only focus right now is Jungwon." Jungkook said. "But, I think you failed to note that your relationship with the other father might also be asked. Being that person, I also worried how you would want me to answer that in my conference."

"Jungkook..." Jin said, massaging his temples. He thought about this before but never really think about it. "Look... it's obvious that the relationship we had was way before Namjoon based on Jungwon's age. I don't worry too much about that and I don't think there's a more acceptable answer to it except that we are co-parenting Jungwon." Jin said without any pause as if he was so sure about his answer.

Jungkook was silent. Jin can't read his emotions. Jungkook tried to avoid looking sad but deep inside, he really is, but it's his fault anyway. It's also the truth so there should be no reason for him to be sad about it when Jin was just speaking of the truth.

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