Chapter 24: The Way I Loved You

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"That is why I am sure my son will learn a lot from you when it comes to business! You're really a smart man, Namjoon!" Mr. Kim said.

Jin and Namjoon are currently visiting his parent's house as requested by his dad. He said he was not seeing Namjoon for a while and he wanted to talk to him regarding business. This resulted to them going to Gwangchon for dinner.

"Namjoon really is a smart guy." His mother commented to him, overhearing the conversation from the living room.

"He is." Jin simply answered.

"He also is a kind guy. You are lucky." She commented again.

Jin just sighed and smiled at his mom, not bothering to answer.

"Tell me what's bothering you." She asked.

"Probably because he's too nice." He answered. "We never fight at all. Sometimes, I think it's just too impossible."

"Do you prefer a relationship full of fights?"

"That's not what I mean, but this just seem too nice."

"I understand, but probably because it's what you deserve. After all the pain you have experienced from Jungkook, maybe you are finally doing it right." His mom said.

"Am I?" He asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes I miss that we fight because we have opposing belief but at the end of the day we'll still talk it out and agree to some terms. Namjoon and I, we don't fight at all. We don't even discuss things. I say this and he'll agree. It's like a bomb that is so hidden and silent but when it's time, it'll just explode. That's what I am scared of." Jin explained to his mom.

His mom understood it and nodded thinking what words she can say to his son. "Or maybe you can stop thinking too much about it. Maybe, this is just really how he treats you and keep it that way? Stop overthinking things. You might also want to open it up with Namjoon." She suggested.

"Okay, I will." He said.

"How was Jungwon by the way with his dad?"

"He enjoys their time together a lot!" Jin said with wide eyes.

"I also observed that during his birthday. As if he doesn't want to let his dad go. Is he demanding too much of Jungkook's time?" She inquired getting more interested of their relationship.

"Not really. Lately, if he's abroad, Jungwon would just ask for video call and Jungkook is happy about that. Both of them understood the time alone they need, even with Jungwon's young age. Jungkook gives him all the time he can whenever he's here."

"That's good. Looks like Jungwon easily adjusted to him." She said.

"He did. It even feels like he was closer to him most of the time. Jungwon has a different behavior whenever they are together. He's more lively and talkative. I like him that way. I thought my son will be so timid, but around Jungkook he tends to have more energy and confidence."

His mother was listening to him very well while they prepare their meals for their dinner.

"Let me prepare the table. Done with my dish." Jin said and rushed to the dining room.

His mom looked at him then turned her attention back to what she was cooking. "Hm. That's interesting." She said to herself.


"That's a nice dinner. It's so nice to talk to your dad." Namjoon said while driving. Jin was just looking outside the window. "Jin?"

Jin did not want to talk to Namjoon after the conversation they had with his parents.

"Are you mad at me?" Namjoon asked.

"Why did you have to say that to my parents?" Jin asked.

"Which part?" Namjoon asked as if he doesn't know what he said at the dinner.

"Nothing." Jin answered.

Namjoon just smirked knowing how much Jin's parents adore him. For sure, no one can stop whatever he plans for them.

"Will we be picking up Jungwon?" Namjoon asked.

"I can do that later. It's already late, you can go home for now." He said.

"Can't I stay over tonight?" Namjoon asked again while masaaging Jin's thighs.

Jin felt that Namjoon really wanted something, he let him do whatever he wants but he's not in the mood. He lost his mood while they were having their dinner.

"You can stay. I'll be back after picking up Jungwon." Jin said.

"Why don't we pick him up now?"

"I want to change clothes first. The wine I spilled over earlier is sticking to me and I don't want Jungwon to smell it." Jin said, which is a lie.

Namjoon knows it's a lie but he doesn't want to argue with Jin.

The silence between them was disturbed by a sudden ring of Namjoon's phone.

Jin looked at the phone to check who's calling, but Namioon quickly answered it.

"Hm... I'll be there. Hm, okay. Wait for me." Namjoon said.

When the call ended, he squeezed Jin's thigh to get his attention. "That's Jackson. He found some anomalies with the recent report sent to him. I just need to check on the report. I might not be able to stay over the night, will that be fine?" Namjoon said taking Jin's hand and kissing his knuckles.

"Hm." He just answered and looked outside again.


"This will be all his things." Jungkook said putting all of Jungwon's luggages inside Jin's car.

"Thanks for helping out, Jungkook." Jin said to Jungkook. He was about to get inside his car when Jungkook stopped him.

"Wait." Jungkook said and Jin turned to him. "Uh, I have something to say about Jungwon."

"Chaeyoung, you can get inside the car, please wait for me." Jin said to Jungwon's nanny. When Chaeyoung is inside, Jin gave his full attention to Jungkook.

"I wa-want to t-take him to J-jeju while I'm on my vacation. Jimin and Yoongi will also take Yoonji, so I thought this will be a nice vacation."

"Is this the one Jimin mentioned for next month?"

"Oh! Ye-yes!" Jungkook said holding his nape. He's kind of nervous but he really wants to be with Jungwon.

"I'll also be going." Jin said.

"W-wait... I-i thought you and Namjoon..."

"He wanted me to cancel because he won't be there to help me out with Jungwon, since Chaeyoung was also scheduled to have vacation same day. But since you'll also be there, I don't see any issue why I can't take care of my son."

Jungkook bit his lip to control how he was about to smile so wide. Finally, he'll have vacation with his son outside his house and he's so excited for it.

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