Chapter 36: How You Get The Man

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After 6 months

Jin had been busy with work for the past 6 months. Jungkook on the other hand had to promote his album in multiple shows. The news about him having a child impacted his album both positively and negatively but Jungkook did not mind the negative impacts. He is happy with his life currently.

Their relationship had been more like friends, co-parenting their child but they never went out together again. Which Jungkook badly wants, but Jin politely declines all the time.

After the release of Jungkook's album, Yoongi and him talked about a concert but Jungkook declined. He wanted to spend more time with Jungwon, now that he can go out freely with him. He also wanted to spend more time with Jin, but the latter just won't agree. He told Yoongi that he'll be resting for a while and will be back for a concert, which Yoongi agreed on. He still does tv shows whenever invited.

He's getting more frustrated though as Jin's birthday is almost there and he's not even sure how to invite him out. He wants to do it extra special for him, but Jin is not being cooperative.

He thought they have slowly built friendship, but Jin is trying to pull away himself from him again and he's not sure why. Whenever Jin allows him to go on lunch with Jungwon, he would still visit the same restaurant they ate before. But this time he would choose the same place.

"Daddy, why are you sad?"

"I am not sad. I just hope your Appa gets to eat with us again." He answered his son.

"Appa busy." Jungwon answered.

"I guess you're right, Woonie." He then looked at the window which is straight to Jin's office, but all his curtains are currently brought down. He sighed and pouted.

The food was again delivered by Jiwon to their table. She then sat in front of Jungkook.

"You look sad." She said.

"Daddy not sad! He misses Appa!" Jungwon said with an angry look.

Jungkook just smiled at him.

"Your son is really pro-Kim Seokjin." Jiwon said in disbelief. "No one can get near you without telling them about his appa."

"I guess we have the same thought. I'll brag Jin to anyone who'll come near me." He said.

"Okay, I'll leave you two then before this guy becomes Hulk on me." She said then left.

"You don't like Jiwon, baby?"

"No! She makes my appa mad." He answered.

"She does?" Jungkook asked in surprised.

"Yes!" Jungwon said while nodding. "Daddy, Woonie hungry."

Jungkook gave his son the food while thinking about what he said about Jiwon making Jin mad.

For tonight, Jungkook had to return Jungwon to Jin. As soon as the door opened, he saw a tired looking Jin.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just work. Would you like some water before you leave?"

"Sure. Let me fix some of his things in his room." He said putting Jungwon down to his playpen while Chaeyoung helped the boy finding his way around the playpen.

Jin then went to the kitchen to get Jungkook's water. He then looked at the food from their personal chef that he hasn't even touched and sighed.

"You don't seem okay." Jungkook said while leaning on the doorway and observing Jin.

"I am okay."

"What do you think about us going somewhere this winter? With Jungwon of course."

"Jungkook, we've talked about this. I am busy at work and can't afford ang vacation or rest." Jin said.

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