The plan is simple

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Y/N Pov

After Gilgamesh and Shinji(Bastard) left, Me, Rin and Shirou buried Illya's courpse and then they started asking questions, I managed to keep everything under control and told them how Gil saved me,how him and Kirei raised me, my plan to fight Berserker, me meeting Raijin and how he gave me a Noble Phantasm. And me and Medusa killing Assassin.

Shirou:Well that's a lot of secrets.

Rin:Why didn't you tell us?

Y/N:It would have been a pain in the ass to explain to you both.

Shirou:Does Medusa know?

Medusa:"Appering out of spirit form"Of course I know. He's told me everything.

Y/N:Look thats not important right now, what is important is coming up with a plan to deal with Caster.

???:The kid has a point.

We all turn and turn to see Cu Chulainn sitting on top of an old church, Rin and Shirou get ready for a fight, I just look at him I start having a conversation with him while Shirou and Rin argue with eachother.

Y/N:So how have things been going?

Cu Chulainn:Oh you know pretty well my shitty master almost died. What about you?

Y/N:Pretty good got myself a servent,a scar and over all thing have been doing good.

Cu Chulainn:Are those two good back there?

Y/N:Yeah they just tend to argue like an old married couple.

Rin:Y/N stop talking to the enemy!

Medusa:Rin you do realize that if Lancer was here to fight he would have tried to stab one of us by now. 

Shirou and Rin countine to argue when Cu jumps down infront of us.

Cu Chulainn:Oh you finished already, theres no rush go ahead get it out of your system."They both point a sword and hand at Cu as me and Medusa stand next to them.

Cu Chulainn:Oh realax, I have no intention of fighting. I'm not a spectator, so I'd though I just stick my oar in water and offer you guys a little help"He says finishing with a smile

Y/N:Alright then,deal.

Rin:Y/N have you lost your mind?

Y/N:Look Rin, currently as it stands if we fought Caster right now it would a four v four. Thing is she has Archer,Saber herself and a super assassin, with Lancer we have a far better chance. After all theres the old saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Cu Chulainn:The kid has the right idea.

Medusa:If Y/N is okay with the plan then I will go with the plan as well.

Y/N:You both heard it majority rules, three to two.

Shirou:Alright fine we'll work with you Lancer. What do you have in mind?

Cu Chulainn:The plan is simple.

We discussed our plan on our way to the church, and the plan was infact simple. Attack the church, kill the people. Cu Chulainn would fight Archer, Shirou and Rin would handle Kuzuki, and me and Medusa would handle Caster. And Cu tells us that his master will not be there to help us in the fight, before we make our way to the church he pulls me to the side to talk. Medusa was reluctant at first being warey of Cu Chulainn, but I assured her that everything would be fine. And so me and Cu talked

Cu Chulainn:Hey kid, when we first met. You said you last name was Kotomine, that's the last name of my master.

Y/N:"Shocked"Oh son of a bitch.Kirei.

Cu Chulainn:Sorry you had to hear about your old being a piece of work but-

Y/N:No need to apoligize Cu Chulainn, after all, even though I have his last name and he is a father to me. There's somthing you should know

I then begin explaining to him my past and how I met Kirei and Gilgamesh and how Kirei was and how I wanted him to pay.

Cu Chulainn:That's a lot of stuff you just told me kid, sorry if I'm being rude but. You mind if I help you and if I kill him.

Y/N:"Shocked"What why? Didn't he summon you.

Cu Chulainn:Thing is he actually did something simular to what you did with Rider, except he did it by force. He took my originl master by supprise and took her command seals and made me do his dirty work, I've been trying to find a chance at revenge for my master.

Y/N:Let me guess no luck.

Cu Chulainn:Yeah, but sence our goals seem to allign how about when the time is right you become my master.

Y/N:That could work, I have enough mana to supplie two servants and my self, but we still need to find the right time to exacute this plane.

Cu Chulainn:Agreed, but first I think we deal with Caster.

Y/N:Alright then lets go.

We made our way over the the church entrance and see Archer waiting for us.

And that's where we're end the chapter because I'm going to use the rest of to tell you about my plans for the next coming chapters. I WILL NOT LET SHIROU FIGHT GILGAMESH! To me that fight is bullshit, don't get me wrong I like Shirou but I hate that fight. So someone else will be fighting Gilgamesh, and no it will not be EMIYA, and if your wondering about why I don't like the fight go check out Tsiah IV's youtube video on the fight because he covers must of,if not all the points I have against this fight. But with that over with I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you like Fate/Type-Moon amvs check out my Patreon the link to one of my free videos is available through the external link at the end of this chapter and most of my videos are free and now with that said until next time everyone.

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