Fifty One - Trust Her?

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He did not understand. Aemond read the scrolls that Criston Cole had given him, his jaw clenching as his eye glazed over each word. The war intensified, the opposition would not relent. And as if that was not enough, his wife was hysterical all the time as of late. He did not understand.

"This is bullshit and you know it." Aemond spoke coldly, dropping the letter down on his desk, his eye finding Criston— who nodded in agreement.

"They have the advantage, you knew this before Duskendale and Rook's Rest. Tis only a matter of time before they come for King's Landing, for all of us." Criston responded, handing him another scroll.

"Tis about the Riverlands. The rebellion keeps going strong, even after they saw what happened to Duskendale and Rook's Rest in the crownlands. Tis not good, your grace. The lords are dubious now, what with everything happening... the King's injuries and such." Aemond rubbed his temple as Criston spoke, his patience wearing thin.

"Dubious? Of what? Him getting hurt was a possibility all along, they knew that. Are they all so fickle minded that an injury turns them away from fighting for the true King?" Aemond questioned, his temper flaring as he read over more scrolls— all of them bearing news that were not at all good for them.

"Tis not that... they know that the King's injuries are bad... and they worry because..." Criston could not find the way to tell Aemond the truth of it. "Speak, Cole." Aemond ordered angrily.

"Because news of the Lady Elyana's barrenness has spread through the court and through the kingdom. They worry if the King Aegon fades, they will stand behind a new King that can not produce an heir. And I do worry for the same.." Criston tried to be as careful with his words as he possibly could be, as he did not want to upset the prince regent.

Aemond knew that would be the reasoning, for there was nothing else the lords could worry about other than the inability that he had to produce an heir in the moment. "My wife's fertility is not a matter of the realm, tis hers and mine alone." He stated firmly. His one eye was almost burning a hole on Criston with how intense his glare was.

"If you are crowned King, which can happen soon if Aegon does not heal, it becomes a matter of the realm. Succession got us into this war in the first place, shall we truly send the realm deeper into turmoil?" Criston pressed.

"What should I do?!" Aemond asked, losing his temper, "I have a duty to my lady wife. She lost our babe, nay, our babe was murdered. And she was maimed in the process. What should I do?!"

"You know well what to do, your grace. You could take a paramour, have a child, claim it as legitimate." Aemond laughed at this proposition.

"You want me to do what the cunt pretender Queen has been doing for years? No." Aemond stated simply, which made Criston let out a deep calming breath. "Then, you could take a second wife, or separate from Lady Elyana. You have options, though you must act quick, to ease the lords' minds."

"Why should I take my marriage advice from a Hand of the King who has never wed? A Hand that was previously a kingsguard? Before that, a measly knight. You know nothing, Cole." Aemond snarled.

He did not appreciate Cole suggesting him to cast his wife aside, not at all.

"You should take advice from the man that watched you grow into who you are. From someone that loves you, that wants you to win the war for all of us." Criston was now trying to speak from his heart.

"Sweet." Aemond stated sarcastically.

He was much too irrate to try and appreciate what Criston had said. His mind hurt from all the over thinking it did as of late. He knew he needed an heir, but how could he ever get one? The woman he loved was barren.

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