Chapter 1 (This Is The Start)

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Chapter 1 (Linns P.O.V)

Me and my best friend Celina had just moved to London. We were going to the university of London. It was just me and her. We went house looking and found our dream house. It was a big greyish kind of blackish colour on the outside. We bought it! Our own house! Finally.

"2 monthes later"

Our friend Elin is on her way here, she's going to be at out place and see how we now live. I was finally up but Celina wasn't and got dressed. I just took my light ripped jeans and my wine red Ramoans T-shirt on and my black converse. I walked in to Celinas room before I did my hair and makeup. I jumped on the bed and she finally woke up.

" Yey! You're up!" I screamed at her jumping even more.

" Yeah! I am. Why do you wake me up at 7 am?" She asked with a confused face.

" Elin is comming in 2 hours! And we need to get to the airport so we can get her! Your idiot." I said with jokely voice.

"Oh! I totally forgot! I'm such a bad friend." She said with her voice down.

" No you're not! Let's get up and get fixed teddybear. You need to hurry if you want breakfast."

" Yeah , Yeah, I'm on my way!" She said to me with a little giggle between the words.

I walked out of her room and into my bathroom and stared on my makeup. I decided to go a bit natrual. So I just did a natrual smokey eye and put foundation,powder and a pink blush on! And an natrual pink lipstick. Then I curled my choclate brown long hair to loose waves. I walked down to the kitchen were Celina already where. She was wating for me so could make her pancakes. She always liked my pancakes more than hers. I don't know whats so special about them but she always wanted mine. She had her black skinny jeans , a white tanktop and a neon pink blazer that fit with her hair and her beige oxford flats. Sha had straightned her brown super long hair! She had neon pink dip diy. In her hair that meked her look so much more a beauty queen that she already were. Her makeup were just as simple as mine. I stared to make the pancakes and then we head our way to the airport. While we drive One Direction comes on the radio. We turned the volume up and we sing along to LWWY. The time past and we were outside the airport. It was about half an hour left to Elins plane landed. We walked in and it was alot of screaming girls and they were al out fangirling. We couldn't see who it was so we just walked to the cafeteria and started to talk about boys and other girl stuff. Then a boy come over to us and asked if we would join him and the other 4 boys. We said that we loved to. The boy introduced him as Louis Tomlinson and when i looked really thoroughly I saw that it was him and I also looked at the other boys and saw that it was the other members of One Direction. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that Harry was looking my way and I stared to blush. I slightly looked down at the ground and Louis and Celina stared to have a real conversation. This little meeting ended when i looked at the atch and saw that Elins plane had landed 20 minutes ago. I said goodbye but Celina stayed until i came back to get her. I walked to gate where Elin just arrived. We saw eathother and I took one of her bags and we stared to talk and laughing. It was so great to see one of your best friends again. When we arrived to the cafetria. It was just Louis, Celina and Harry left. I walked up to her and scared her. She made a little scream and then Louis, Harry, Elin and I laugh at her. She said it wasen't funny but Louis said it was. I couldn't barley breating so I took a big breath and introduced Elin to the boys and Louis and Celina switched numbers. Then Harry came up to me and asked.

- Can I have your number please? He asked with the most adoreble voice i've ever heard.

Of course I said yes and we switched numbers too. In the car back home we just stared laughing at our bad jokes and we were back at our high school age. Everything couldn't be better. I clerly had wrong. When we got home it was the most biggest bouquet of red roses on the stairs in front of the door. There was a note that said:

This is to the beautiful lady I saw on the airport with the brown long hair and pink ends. To you wanna come and see me at the park at 8pm? Love Louis.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant