First Glance

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Azu turned and ran a hand through her aqua colored hair after she finished speaking with Ashura, thankful that the gentle, fatherly figure had stepped in to help her when she'd all but materialized out of thin air, and Jina had sent her to see him. Life here in Kilima was...strange, almost. Her first lifetime hadnt been the kindest to her; even if all she had were fuzzy memories of it, she knew that much; the kindness that the townfolk had shown her so far was a bit...jarring. her tools? A plot of land to call her own..? She shook her head, heading across the Inn to check out the bar counter she'd noticed in her way in, deciding it was best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Reth had to pretend he hadnt been watching her when she came over to the counter, putting on his best grin as he studied her face. "Looking for the plots? Just take the road up the hill outside of town. If you're looking for delicious soups and stews instead, Im you're guy. Name's Reth, but you can call me trouble." he chuckled, offering her a hand over the counter.

One of her brows shot up at him and her lips curled into a smirk, bright magenta eyes glittering in amusement as she took his hand. His charming smile was a wonderful distraction from the worries on her mind; and even if for a moment, she was thankful for it. "Hey, Trouble~ Azuriela; but you can call me Azu."

Reth could tell in an instant that he was going to enjoy her company. The playful tone in her warm, mid-toned voice made his smile get a little bigger, and he would be lying to himself if he tried to say he didnt think she was pretty. "Stop by later, yeah? Always happy to chat with a friendly new face."

"Sounds like a plan." Azu grinned back at him with a chuckle, before glancing at the door of the Inn. "Ive got to go meet Hodari and ask about a pickaxe, for now." she hummed, giving him a little wave as she turned on her heel and started on her way out, breaking into a run as soon as she exited.

Reth watched her go for a moment, before going back to making his soup; but he did sort of hope she would be back. If not for him, than for the soup.

Azu didnt even make it back to the Inn for the next few of days. She had instead spent the better part of three days running all over the surroundings of the village, collecting resources, making planks and bricks, and hunting down chappas and sernuks after she'd met Hissan and gotten a bow made for herself. She finally had enough to build herself a proper house, after the town's mayor Kenli had been kind enough to give her the plans and the foundation for it, and had started to work on getting it built. She was excited to get out of the tent she'd been sleeping in, as thankful as she was that she'd been given one.

It would take another few days, but in the mean time, she figured that she probably had time to finally run around and introduce herself to people; at least, the ones she didnt already know because she'd been directed to them for tools, like Badruu and Einar. She started with the librarian; finally learning that her name was Caleri, and that she was sisters with Elouisa, the eccentric sweetheart she'd run into out by the Fisherman's Lagoon. Then, just to say hello, she stopped into the furniture store, smiling when Tish perked up and waved at her.

"Oh, welcome back!" Tish grinned as she waved at the human girl, giggling a little.

Azu smiled back at her, waving as she ran up to stand beside her. "Hey, Tish. Good to see you." she hummed, opening up her backpack and rummaging for a moment with a smile. "So uhm, Eshe mentioned something about gifting being a custom here, and Ive been hunting a lot;" she paused, pulling out one of the many sernuk hides she had collected. "Do you think you could make use of this?"

"Oh, Azu! Its perfect, thank you!" she giggled sweetly, taking it from her and admiring the pelt for a moment. "If you're willing to part with another, Jel would love them too!"

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now