Errand Girl

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"You're lucky you're cute."

It had been ringing in his head on repeat, ever since she'd said it to him yesterday. He really hadnt wanted to ask her to help him in the first place, but with everything on his plate he'd been overwhelmed enough to try his luck with it. He wasnt expecting her to not only help out, but cover for him with Ashura, too..

Reth ran a hand over his hair and sighed, trying not to think about it too hard. Hopefully a pie was a good enough thank you for everything, because the last thing he wanted was to her to feel like she was just some errand girl to him. Not when..

"You're lucky you're cute."

Reth groaned at the warm feeling in his chest, shutting his eyes and letting his forehead rest against his hand, while the other held his elbow in place. Sure, he'd played it off in the moment, but even if she had just been joking it made his stomach twist into knots. He kind of hoped she meant it. At least then he wouldnt be the only one thinking about-

"Hey, Trouble~ You okay?"

Reth's eyes snapped up to look at her, furrowing his brow as he stood up straighter and cleared his throat. "Yeah, sorry- Hey, Sweet Tooth." He smiled, chuckling at her. "Just thinking.."

"Okay.." she hummed, but after yesterday, she wasnt so inclined to believe him. "Well, I came to say hello before I head out to check out Bahari Bay finally; and I might have brought you something, if you're interested; its not soup so I dunno." she laughed, reaching into her bag.

"Not soup? Damn, I was looking forward to cooking that isnt mine." he laughed, watching her take out a clove of fresh garlic.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time, but for now maybe you can make use of this~?" Azu laughed with him, holding it out. "I found it while I was out hunting Chappas this morning. Right after I got your letter; by the way pie for breakfast is the fucking best~" she grinned at him, letting him take the clove from her before resting a hand on her hip.

"Sweet! Thanks Azu, this'll be great for today's soup~" he grinned back, turning to put it on his prep table quickly before coming back out to look at her; this time glancing down to her outfit...even if it did look incredible on her, it was hard to enjoy it when he knew what it meant. "So, you're headed out then huh? Should I expect you to disappear for a few days?" he chuckled; but it didnt hold the same humor as before.

"I'm planning on it, yeah; Im excited to see what I find." she smiled back at him, shifting her weight back into her hip. "Plus, Ive gotta give this outfit the real test run; not that I doubt Jel's handiwork, but Im not exactly planning on taking it easy out there."

Reth shook his head at her, laughing a little. "No, you wouldnt. I think you're the only person in town who stays busier than I do, and you just showed up like not even two months ago~"

Azu laughed along with his, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "Whaat, Im helpful! People ask me to help, and I am a gracious human about it~" she gave him a cheeky grin, and crossed one leg in front to playfully bow at him. "You can thank me now~"

Reth rolled his eyes at her but it didnt stop him from smiling, and the exhausted sigh he let out had an undertone of laughter in it. "I do really owe you for yesterday, so thanks, Sweet Tooth. I appreciate the help."

"I'd be your Errand Girl anytime Reth~" Azu giggled as she met his eyes again. "Im glad you asked me for help, actually. I wasnt doing much anyway, and Tish seemed really happy this morning, so you spending time with her yesterday must have made her feel pretty great." she hummed. Postponing her trip for a day hardly seemed like a big price to pay, to make the two of them happy.

Reth's gaze softened at that, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Thats good to hear.." he hummed. It was quiet for a moment, and Reth could have sworn that there was something...different, about the way she was looking at him today. It wasnt pity, like he had feared, or the disgust that he was used to. She just seemed..

"Well, I'd better head off; see you later, alright Trouble~?" Azu tilted her head at him, grinning a little when he seemed to twitch a bit in reaction to her voice.

"Right, dont wanna hold you up too long." Reth laughed awkwardly, reaching up to rub his neck with one hand while the other waved at her. "Later, Sweet Tooth."

Azu grinned to herself as she waved back and headed out; trying to memorize the cute little smile he had just given her. She could tell by now that there was more going on with him that he was letting people think; after all, she'd spent a good part of her first lifetime doing the same thing...little siblings didnt protect themselves, after all..

Reth frowned after she was out of sight, sighing to himself as he went back into the kitchen. His eyes immediately found the garlic clove she'd given him resting on the prep table, and as he looked at it, her voice still taunted him in head head..

"You're lucky you're cute."

...Was it wrong for him to wonder if she was doing this because of that..? If she really did think of him as charming..? To wonder if maybe, she might actually see...something, in him?

He nearly laughed at himself. "Of course she doesnt, Reth, dont be ridiculous.." he muttered under his breath, starting to get to work preparing for the next meal rush. "Jumping to conclusions is just gonna get you in more trouble than you're already in.."

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now