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The weekend came and went too quickly for Reth and Jel; but for Azuriela, it could not go fast enough, because the sooner she could get a move on with all of her plans, the sooner she could actually start providing for the two of them.

Perhaps thats why she was the first one dressed when they got up to get ready that Monday morning; slipping into her black tank top and grey skintight pants, before pulling on her black thigh high boots and buttoning them up. By the time Jel and Reth had gotten dressed, she had already finished doing her eyeliner in her mirror; leaving it open for Jel, as she started to get her things together for the day.

Jel had just finished brushing his hair when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror; blushing a bit as he noticed that several of the hickies they had given him over the last few days would definitely be noticeable; including the one on the back of his hand that he only noticed when he reached up to closer inspect the ones on his jawline, making him blush a shade deeper as tried to remember when he'd even been given that one; was it Reth while they were in the bath yesterday..? Or was it Azuriela when she'd run kisses down his arm the night before that??

One way or another, the tailor let out a sigh that caught the attention of his lovers as he open his bag to pull out his makeup pouch; catching them both looking at him as he unzipped it. "This is going to take me at least twenty minutes so I'd appreciate it if you get started on breakfast, Trouble?" he pouted at the cook; breaking into a little grin when Reth chuckled and came over to kiss him first.

Reth hummed against the man's slightly-swollen lips, playfully nipping at him just to tease before he pulled away, smirking a little as he pinched the tailor's thigh and it made him jump. "Alright, Pretty Boy, but if we're late I'm telling Ashura its because you were busy covering up hickies~" He grinned, before he finally stepping away to go figure something out for breakfast.

"Well unlike the two of you, I'll never hear the end of it if I leave the house indecent~" Jel rolled his eyes, even if he couldnt wipe the loving smile from his face as he turned back to the mirror; starting to dab foundation over the hickies that would be visible to the naked eye, as well as the bags under his eyes; though those were notably lighter than they usually were..

Azu had to giggle at him as she watched him for a moment, before heading outside to tend her garden while she waited; giving Reth a kiss on her way, and smiling lovingly when she noticed him starting to make the breakfast scramble they'd first made together. It took her about fifteen minutes to finish tending her crops; pulling a few weeds and planting new seeds, watering everything and filling her watering can back up before she headed back inside.

By the time she'd come back in Reth was almost finished with breakfast; leaving her to go and check on Jel, and smile a little when she noticed him just finishing up, and pulling out his eyeliner. She rose a brow when he sighed forlornly, leaning on the doorway and watching him for a moment as he focused on starting a line with the pencil type liner; tilting her head when he started mumbling to himself.

"Gonna need to get a new one soon, this one's damn near gone.." he huffed a little as what was left of the short pencil crumbled a little, making him roll his eyes as he paused grab a handkerchief and clean up the line.

"Do you want to use mine, baby?"

Jel's eyes widened a little as they shot over to her, turning his whole body as his brow furrowed; staring at her for a few moments as he tried to figure out why that made his heart race so much- "You little brat, how dare you! Thats my make up!!" He flinched a little as his older sister's shrill voice echoed in his head; reminding him exactly why that meant so much to him; make up was not to be shared, where he was from.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora