The Stars and Sea

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It was just past 10PM when Azu met Jel in the foyer of the tailors shop; she had stayed with Reth for awhile even after he fell asleep, almost an hour ago. She smiled as she came over to him, reaching up and over his shoulders to hug him as his hands settled around her waist. "Are you ready~?"

Jel chuckled as he gave her a squeeze, leaning down to give her a soft kiss before he replied, meeting her eyes as he rested his forehead against hers. "As ready as I can be, darling.." he chuckled, shifting back to hold her hand so they could walk together. As he did, he noticed the bruises on her neck; tilting his head to see them better as a smirk painted his face. "He's sleeping well, I take it~?"

"He seemed pretty content~" Azu blushed a little as she grinned, tilting her head a bit so that Jel could see the marks Reth had left on her. "Dont worry, you'll get to leave your own~"

Jel's cheeks darkened as she winked at him, biting his lip in anticipation at the suggestion. He couldnt deny it; he liked the idea of her walking around with marks from both of them on her pale skin; the soft pinks and purples a visual reminder that she was felt so risqué, and to see her wear them so proudly..

Azu didnt even flinch when they passed Kenyatta on their way out of town; even as the girl gasped and giggled at them; turning to stick her tongue out at her best friend. Kenyatta grinned and stuck her tongue out back at her, shooing them away like bugs even if she was laughing; she knew Azu would tell her all about the tea next time they hung out.

Jel couldnt help but chuckle at how close they had gotten; raising a brow as they headed further into the fields below. "You've really gotten her to open up, you know. When she came to get our version of her dress, she was in love with it; and I suppose I wouldnt have gotten to see such a side of her, had you not known her so well." he mused, smiling as he squeezed her hand.

"She told me she's going to wear it the next chance she gets," Azu giggled, squeezing his hand in return as she lead him past the point he would usually turn, heading up the hill toward Bahari Bay. "I think it might be my Acceptance Ceremony, actually; Eshe keeps getting on me about choosing a Shepp, and I think it'll be Kenyatta; so I was thinking it might be fun for her to wear it then, since it'll only be us townsfolk."

Jel rose his brow at the news, but he couldnt help but smile; Tish had been wondering too, who Azu's Shepp would be, as she got closer to so many of the villagers; he found it very fitting that Kenyatta took the role, after seeing how much the two had bonded in the short few months since Azu had been reborn. After all, had Azu not encouraged the young woman to explore her interests, she might have been stuck behind a desk for the rest of her life, rather than learning to heal; which he had to admit, she seemed quite adept at, despite being a terrible seamstress. "I'm sure she would love the idea, my muse...tell me, would you like something made for yourself for the occasion?"

"I'll think about it~" she giggled, "Even if Im not a huge fan of dresses, it could be fun if I do it with a friend. We can be edgy together~" she hummed; letting their conversation lull as they made their way to Bahari Bay. By the time they got there, it was nearing midnight; the moons high in the sky above them as they started their way down the path toward Beachcomber Cove, where Azu had set everything up earlier that day.

Jel didnt mind the quiet; not when it was filled with the wonder of paper lantern bugs dancing around them, and his eyes were busy taking in the sight of muujin milling about in the distance. He didnt usually make it out this far; and he certainly hadnt been out this far at night. "It's beautiful.." he hummed as he turned to glance at her; only to find her already smiling affectionately at him.

"If you already love it, just wait until you see what I actually wanted to show you~" Azu giggled, leading him closer and closer to their destination. It didnt take them all that much longer; and just as she could see the glimpses of the spot, she turned to look at him, smiling coyly. "Do you trust me to lead you if you cover your eyes~?"

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now