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"Oh, thank the Dragon." Jel's shoulders nearly sagged as he sighed in relief, seeing the two of them come in holding hands. He ran a hand through his hair as the two of them walked over, smiling at Reth as the man sheepishly rubbed his neck. "I take it things went well?"

"Well, they didnt go as planned;" Azu started, giggling as she let go of Reth just long enough to step forward and give Jel a hug, before returning to Reth's side and lacing her fingers back through his. "We did talk things out though; after I help him finish up the dishes for the inn, we're going to head back to my place so he can get some decent sleep instead of sleeping on a table."

Jel shot the shorter man a raised brow, shaking his head. "No wonder you always 'sleep like crap'." he chuckled, before softening his gaze at the two of them. "I'm glad you're alright, Reth; you had me worried earlier."

Reth chuckled awkwardly, squeezing Azu's hand to comfort himself as he nodded. "Uh, yeah.." he smiled, biting his lip for a moment as he thought about that. They might not be yknow, explicitly attracted to each other...but Jel did care about him. They were close; and if there was anyone he'd want to be in a polycule with, it would be Jel.

Jel could say much the same, not that either of them knew they were sharing the thought; but as he handed off the dishes from their earlier dinner to Reth, there was a look of understanding between the two of them. The tailor smiled as he reached out to rub Reth's shoulder, while the other reached for Azu's open hand. "Have a good night. Rest well, both of you." he murmured; smiling when Azu shifted to lean against his chest, and Reth moved closer to give him a side hug with his open arm.

"Good night, Jel; enjoy your walk." Azu grinned as she pushed up on her toes to kiss his cheek, giggling when Jel blushed a bit and both of them smiled. "I'll make sure Reth actually sleeps, dont worry."

"Hey-!" Reth pouted at them, huffing as he and Azu stepped away with their retrieved dishes. "I get sleep...sometimes."

"Never good sleep though, or you wouldnt be tired all the time~" Azu retorted, grinning as he rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat.

Reth shook his head before he turned his gaze back to Jel, smiling as he spoke. "Have a good night.." he hummed; trying to tell him with a look how thankful he was that Jel had cared, too..

It didnt take them all that long to finish the dishes; which meant before he knew it, Reth was walking up to the house Azu had built for herself in the few months since she'd arrived. He let out a low whistle as he looked around, chuckling at the picnic blanket and bench in her yard next to the campfire in front of the house; which was painted black on the exterior, and already had a couple of extra rooms from what he could see. "You've been busy, huh?" he chuckled as he let her pull him by the hand, leading him past the farm plots and over to the door, walking inside. Her walls were sea aquamarine; and as you came into the house, the first thing that greeted you was her kitchen; which was admittedly already bigger than the inns, though not completely furnished yet by the looks of it; and when he turned his head to the right even a little, he could see her bed pushed up against the far right wall of the next room.

"It wasnt as hard to get done as you might think~" she giggled, turning to the dining table to the right of the door and beginning to set up their dinner for a second time that night; but not before sending Reth a smile. "You can look around if you want; I mean you can kinda see my bedroom already, but the tea room and the bathroom are that way." she giggled, pointing him down the hallway to their left.

Reth chuckled back at her as he took her up on the offer; deciding that he'd end up seeing her room closer later anyway as he wandered into what she called the tearoom; smiling a little at the homey-feeling log furniture set, and the macarons she'd set out on the coffee table for guests. His eyes wandered the things she had on her walls before turning again; glancing into the bathroom just long enough to confirm where it was, and chuckle a bit at the berry-colored walls, before heading back into the kitchen and smiling at Azu as she waved him to the table.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara