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Jel was starting to get used to Azu dropping in on their dinners, now; it had been about a week since she had confessed to them, and had joined them every day. Today, though, it was her running footsteps he heard come in first, just as he was walking back to his counter. He turned to smile at her, only to pause as he took her in; she was wearing a white cropped long sleeve, paired with the spare set of 'expedition' gear's bottoms; leaving little to the imagination in her grey, skin-tight pants, and black thigh high boots. He bit his lip as she came up to him, raising a brow at the excitable little grin on her face and leaning down to whisper to her.

"You look like a vision, my muse~" he chuckled as he let his hand settle on the small of her back, the other taking one of hers in a mock-ballroom pose, pulling her into a kiss. He smiled to himself when she giggled and played along, playfully twirling under his arm before resting her open hand on his shoulder; making him wonder, for a moment, if she actually knew how to dance.

"Thats good to hear; all my time trying on different combinations payed off~" Azu giggled as she let herself get a little lost in his eyes, and in admiring the way his skin turned a beautiful deep purple when he blushed. "I wanted to look good for you, when I asked you on a date~"

"Oh..!" Jel grinned as his cheeks burned, averting his eyes as he chuckled to hide the way his stomach twisted up into knots at whatever that may entail. "You've planned something for us..?"

"Assuming you arent busy after dinner tonight~" Azu grinned, biting her lip to hold in the excitement as her plans ran through her mind. "We wont be back until morning, and you miiight be late opening shop if you come with me~" she giggled coyly.

"My, my~ How scandalous, Azu~" Jel murmured back to her, his eyes drifting to the foyer of his shop. Surely he wouldnt be missed that much, right..? "I have the feeling you want to surprise me, so I wont ask where we're going; but am I appropriately dressed?"

"You look perfect as always, Jel." she giggled, letting her hand shift from his shoulder down to his hand, holding it against her back now. "It'll be a long walk though, so you'd better make sure you finish whatever Reth's cooked for dinner~"

"Soup of course, not that you canoodlers can see it~" Reth laughed a little as he came into the room, only catching the tail end of what Azu had said. "Going somewhere later?" he hummed, walking to the counter to set the soup down; he'd started bringing four servings, now. He turned to the two of them as soon as his hands were empty, taking a second to smirked as he eyed the way Azu looked; mentally praising Jel's work on the skin tight pants, only now noticing how well they hugged the curve of her ass without her coat to hide it; before walking over and adding one of his hands over theirs on Azu's back, while he rested the other around Jel's waist. He couldnt lie, he was starting to get used to their little three-way hugs; and he looked forward to them, when he got off his shift..

"I'm taking him somewhere~" Azu giggled, turning her head to steal a kiss from Reth as he joined them. "After dinner, of course; Im still going to make sure you go to sleep while he chats with Tish~"

Reth blushed a little, smiling wildly at the memories of the last week of his life. After the night she'd first confessed, she had insisted that he put at least a cot in the storage room, since he insisted on sleeping there; and even if it wasnt as comfortable as her bed, he had to admit that the foldable cot she'd ended up building for him helped him sleep way better than he had in ages. It had become their nightly routine for her to walk him back after dinner, just so she could lay with him until he fell asleep.. "Good, because Im starting to think I might not be able to sleep without you." he laughed, only half joking about it.

"You have seemed much better rested recently," Jel chuckled as he glanced at Reth, letting himself eye the details of the shorter Majiri's face. "The bags under your eyes have gotten lighter~"

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ