Disastrous Dinner Plan

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It was becoming more common to see her more than once as the day passed. Azu seemed to come into the inn to see him every time she came running through town, on her way to do any and everything around the valley. Reth had to admire that about her; she had a capacity to help that was incredible to him; even more so that her hands seemed to extend to just about anyone in need. It made him feel a little special, knowing that for some reason he could quite comprehend, he was high on her list of priorities. She proved it when she came running over to the counter at just after 9AM; smiling brightly at him as she put her fishing pole away to stand with him at the counter..

"Hey babe." Reth slipped before he could stop himself as he smiled dreamily at her; his eyes widening a fraction when he realized what he'd said. "Oh, uh- That just kind of slipped out. Are we at babe status yet?" he tried to laugh it off, reaching up to awkwardly rub his neck.

Azu rose a brow at him as her smile curled into a smirk, tilting her head at him as she giggled back. "Hey, babe~" she winked at him teasingly; watching the way his cheeks burned in response and he bit his lip.

"Wow, is that what it feels like when I call you babe? Are my cheeks on fire?" Reth laughed shyly, gazing back at her as she leaned in to steal a kiss over the counter. He grinned at the way he felt so much lighter; giddy, even, at the idea that he was allowed to call her that; he wouldn't get rejected or scorned like he had in the past, when he'd thought things were more serious than just flirty fun..

Azu couldnt tell what he was thinking, as she pulled out a couple bowls of meaty stir fry, handing one to him; but she could tell he was lost in thought, as he stared at her hands for a moment longer than he normally would have. "I brought us some breakfast; thought you could use something a little more filling than soup~"

Reth's gaze softened as he realized that she was offering the food to him, smiling sheepishly and taking it from her. "Thanks, babe~" he laughed a little, grinning about as widely as his face would let him. He bit his lip to try and bring it back in, as she sat down at the counter to eat with him; taking a few bites before he addressed the idea that had been bouncing around his head the last few days. "Anyway, I was wondering if you were busy tonight?"

Azu looked up at him; raising a brow at the nervousness in his eyes, before lowering her chopsticks as she smiling lovingly at him, rolling her eyes a little. "I'm never to busy for you."

Reth had to fight back another way of intense emotions at her reply, his cheeks reddening again even if he had just started to calm down. It made his heart race against his ribcage like it was trying to beat right out of him, wondering if she meant it.. "I dunno. I can think of a lot of ways to use up your time.." he chuckled to bash his awkwardness, letting his gaze fall to their food as he thought about how often she was running around; but she did always make time to see him.. "Anyways, I was kind of hoping we could have dinner tonight; just the two of us, I mean.." he smiled hopefully as he met her eyes again, "All cooked by yours truly, of course. You dont have to lift a finger. Except to use your utensils. And if you dont wanna do that, I'll feed you too~" he grinned, finally feeling confident enough to flirt back at her, and relishing as he watched a soft pink hue paint her cheeks.

"That sounds nice~" Azu giggled, crossing her legs under the table as she wondered if he might stay the night again.. "What time do you want me to be home?"

"Maybe like, six? I'll head over as soon as I get off." Reth let his shoulders relax in relief, chuckling with her as they started to eat again; she was right, his body did very much appreciate the fact that he was eating something a little more solid.

"I'll be there~"

Azu was there early, even; but as she came back to her farm hours later in the day, she was surprised to find Auni standing at her mailbox, waiting impatiently for her to arrive. As soon as he saw her, the Bug Scout grinned and ran up, smiling widely at her.

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