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Whatever Azu had just went through the trouble of delivering for Reth, it most certainly was not a cake. At this point her suspicions about him hiding something were all but confirmed, and she was more concerned about him than ever. When he'd asked her to help, he's dodged the question; but how Tamala reacted told her plenty. She wasnt upset, really; but as she walked into the Inn and over to his counter, she knew she wanted to get the truth out of him; so she didnt smile back at him when he grinned and waved, instead narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously. "I made your delivery."

Reth's smile dropped at her tone and the look on her face, his stomach sinking with worry as he lifted his hands and shushed her, peeking across the room to make sure no one heard her. "Shhh! Keep your voice down. I, uh.." he paused, glancing back to meet her eyes, swallowing when she only squinted more. "Dont want Ashura to find out Ive been working side jobs. He'll try to give me a speech about pacing myself and the importance of taking breaks." he tried to cover, but he could tell from the way she leaned across the counter that she wasnt buying it.

"That wasnt a cake." Azu murmured under her breath at him, watching him squirm uncomfortably and look around the room; anywhere but meeting her eyes.

"What makes you think that? You didnt look in the package, did you-" he paused, taking a deep breath to try and ease the panic building in his chest. He hated that she was looking at him like that, this is exactly what he was afraid of happening, and now he knew he needed to tell her the truth. She might hate him when he did, but she would definitely hate him if he didnt. His frowned at her, his eyes desperately searching for any sign that she didnt already hate him as he reached into his pocket to grab his spare storeroom key. "Look, there are too many prying ears around here." He whispered, leaning across the counter so they were nearly chest to chest, and holding the key out to her. "Meet me in the storeroom below the inn, okay? Use this key to unlock the door.."

Azu only stopped squinting at him as her gaze dropped to look at the key between their chests, and then she rolled her eyes instead as she took it from him. She went to turn and leave without a word, but Reth stopped her by grabbing her wrist; and when she met his eyes, she could tell how nervous he was. It almost hurt, looking at him; it reminded her all too much of how she'd treated her own loved ones, in her first life. If Reth was hiding anything a fucked up as she was...she sighed, finally shifting her wrist in his hold to grab his hand, holding eye contact so that he could tell she wasnt lying to him. "I'll be there, Reth."

Reth's stomach sank even further when she didnt use his nickname, or even smile; his breathing shook as he furrowed his brow at her, trying his best to keep it together as he searched her eyes for any sign that she was angry. "I promise, I'll tell you everything then. Make sure no one sees you. Please.."

Azu's gaze finally softened at his plea, and she let her shoulders fall. She stared at him a moment longer, before sighing and letting go of his hand, turning on her heel and heading out of the Inn to run a few more errands and clear her mind before she could talk to him about this..

Reth had never felt more restless than he did in the storeroom that night, pacing back and forth as he waited for Azu to come through the door. He was starting to wonder if she even would, when the hour started nearing 10PM; he wouldnt blame her if she didnt, she couldnt even bring herself to talk to him earlier-


His eyes snapped up to the door as the lock shifted, and the door opened. He swallowed at the sight of her, her usual smile still absent from her face. He wondered if he'd even get to see it at all, after this. "There you are..!" he stopped his pacing to turn toward her, furrowing his brow as he tried not to let himself panic again. "Uh, no one saw you come in, right?" he murmured as she shut the door behind her. He swallowed when her eyes settled on him, and she ran a hand through her hair with a tired sigh.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now