Good Soup and Good Sex [NSFW]

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Dear Azu,

Somehow, everything worked out. Dinner's been served, and no one's the wiser. Why dont you meet me in our private spot tonight? I have something to thank you.


Azu had gotten the letter that morning, and it took every bit of willpower she had to not talk to him sooner, as she went about her day; not wanting to spoil her own surprises. So instead, she'd run around getting materials for Tish and Jel, making sure the two of them had plenty to work with, before heading to the Daiya's farm to check on Nai'o and chat with Delaila and Badruu. As soon as she'd finished helping them around the farm by hunting down every pesky chappa she could see in the area, she'd gone to ask Chayne if he needed anything; helping the medic collect an offering of a few Sundrop Lilies for the Dragon to keep herself busy. By the time night finally fell and it was just past 8 o'clock, she was a little antsy to see him; wanting to see for herself how he was doing, as she snuck past Ashura and ran down the stairs to the Storeroom, unlocking the door and letting herself in.

Reth's eyes were already on the door, waiting for her to come in when it opened; and he had to let out a breath he'd been holding, as she turned and smiled at him. "Hey there, Sweet Tooth, come here often?" he chuckled; resting his hands back against the table behind him to keep them from shaking, letting himself lean against it.

"I'm practically a regular." Azu chuckled as she came to stand with him; tilting her head a bit at the way he looked at her. He was chuckling along, but his eyes were still raging with that war she'd seen him waging with himself the day before..

"At this point you are." Reth chuckled, his brow furrowing a little as he smiled, taking in the sight of her; but not reaching for her just yet, even if he wanted to.. "How many times have you saved me, now? Three? Twenty? Six Hundred? Careful, Sweet Tooth, a guy could get used to this.." he chuckled again; but it was weaker this time, as he worked up the courage to bring up the thoughts that had been plaguing his mind lately. "Thats actually why I wanted to talk to you. I, uh.."

Azu furrowed her brow at him as he paused, watching the way his eyes flicked down to her waist as he took a breath. He looked like he wanted to hold her; his arms tensing as he gripped at the table behind him, before his eyes flitted back up to meet hers; it killed her a little inside, trying to understand why he didnt just do it..

"This isnt exactly easy for me to talk about. Whew, deep breaths, Reth, be a big boy.." he mumbled, furrowing his brow a little more as he tried to talk without letting himself choke up. "Maybe you've noticed, but I'm not used to asking for help. And when I did ask for help as a kid..." he paused again, sighing heavily as he reached up with one hand to rub his neck. "Well, no one really wanted to help me. I didnt expect them to. It's always just been me and Tish against the world.." his brow furrowed as her looked into her eyes; letting himself be vulnerable to her; letting her see the way she made his head spin, as he kept talking.

"And here you come, busting into my life. And even though I keep messing up...somehow you're still here." he let out a slow breath, letting his hand fall back onto the table, gripping the edge of it as his chest tightened a little; tears welling up in his eyes before he could stop them. He had to force them back with another deep breath, swallowing in an effort to stay still as his voice lowered to barely more than a whisper. "You're not sick of me yet. More than that, you've put yourself on the line for me. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I dont know. Tell me, if Im totally off base here.."

His voice was shaking as he finished, and with every part of who she was, Azu wanted to find who had done this to him and make them pay for it tenfold. All she could do was wordlessly shove herself up against his chest, squeezing him as tightly as she could until he finally wrapped his arms around her, his fingers clenching into the fabric of her top as he let out a shaking sigh against her shoulder, all but deflating as soon as she held him. It was only after he had stopped squeezing her like she would vanish, that Azu finally spoke, leaning back just enough to look him in they eyes, leaving him no room to doubt it; even if she was sure he would anyway. "You're not off base. I meant it when I said Im not going anywhere, Reth. I care about you."

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now