The Blues

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Dear Azu,

Oh my dearest muse! I am afraid I've had the most tragic run in with my eldest sister, Amara, and could use a lovely shoulder such as yours to cry on. Please meet me in my bedchamber post hastily! I shall not rest until I have a chance to go over the conversation with you in vivid detail.

- Jel

Azu rose a brow at the letter, chuckling softly to herself at his use of the word 'bedchamber' before slipping it back into the envelope, to be put with the rest of her letters from her boyfriends. She'd already taken care of her crops, though, so she just slipped it into her bag for now, starting out to go and see him before he needed to open the shop; she woudnt be surprised if he really had stayed up all night, worrying himself sick over whatever had happened.

It had been a few days since Reth had stayed the night with her; the soreness of her body had faded, even if the marks he'd left hadnt just yet; so she was able to sprint again, rushing to the edge of the cliffside leaving her farm, and jumping off to glide down, toward the town. It only took her a couple of minutes to reach the now familiar purple-roofed shop. She was still running when she went inside and up the staircase, taking out the keychain she'd ended up with in the last six months since she'd materialized; she was pretty sure she had damn near the whole town's spare keys, so she'd made herself a lanyard to carry them all; she chuckled at the thought, as she stopped at the door, using her key to unlock the door and go into the tailor's 'bedchamber', as he had called it.

Jel looked up when he heard the lock unlatch; pausing in his pacing to wait for the door to open, and sighing in relief when Azuriela stepped inside and shut it behind her. He waited for her to come over to where he'd been pacing in front of his bed, before wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her, letting himself sink into the feeling of her embrace.

Azu could practically feel how stressed he was when he trusted her to support his weight, leaning on her shoulder as he sniffled. As she squeezed him back, she started to rub his back; letting him cry a little to let it out as she left a few kisses on his ear before she whispered to him. "What's wrong babe?"

Jel whined a little, squeezing her tighter as he rolled his eyes. "Whats wrong? Whats WRONG? More like, what isnt wrong?" he huffed, letting himself be a bit of a brat as she only chuckled at him, pulling his head up to pout at her. "Not only have I yet to earn the right to stitch my family name into my clothes, but my cruel sister has decided to publicly humiliate me."

"Fuckin' rude?" Azu rose a brow at this, focusing on the statement even if the way he pouted at her made him look so damn adorable she wanted to kiss him. "You know I'd get her back for you right? I'll show her~" she winked, watching as he finally couldnt stop himself from smiling, giving her a shy little grin.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm afraid confronting her would only make it worse." he sighed, letting his head fall back onto her shoulder and resting there as he spoke, relaxing into the feeling of her hand rubbing his back. "Anyway, it's my mother's thirty year anniversary as the head of my family line. There is to be a great party in her honor. Amara, as second in line, is responsible for organizing the festivities and she saw fit to give me the duties of...oh, dont make me say it. It's too dreadful."

"If you dont say it, I cant help you." she hummed.

Jel sighed heavily against her jacket, before straightening up and letting go of her to run his hands through his hair. He stayed quiet for a moment, just holding his head in his hands and enjoying the way she shifted her arms to hold his waist, keeping him close even as he worked through his emotions. "Alright, I'll say it..." he bit his lip, finally meeting the woman's magenta irises. "She wants me to make the CANAPES!"

Azu furrowed her brow, trying not to smirk as she wondered why on earth he was so concerned when he was dating two cooks. "That sounds kind of fun."

Jel groaned and shook his head, resting his forehead against hers as he frowned. "You don't get it! I can't cook and my sister knows that. She wants me to fail."

"Well we cant give her what she wants." Azu giggled.

"You're right, we cant. And I actually may have a solution.." he paused, biting his lip as he wondered if it was a good idea to ask. He knew now how much Reth already had on his plate; he only hoped the man would have time to help. "Reth has the most delicious canape recipe. He made something for Tish's last birthday, and I can't stop thinking about them. I would ask him to help, but I dont want him to know of my shame-!"

"Oh he would definitely be poking fun at you baby~" Azu giggled as she smirked at him, knowingly raising a brow.

"Exactly!" Jel huffed, pouting at her again as he eyed the smirk on her face. "At least you only giggle at me."

"You're cute, I cant help it~"

The man's face turned a deeper shade of purple as she grinned and giggled again, biting his lip to hold in a smile as he looked away. He couldnt help but think that butterflies were a much better feeling than dread, as she stole a kiss from him; forcing him to look at her again as they parted. He sighed in content, this time, as he rested his forehead against hers; furrowing his brow pleadingly as he relaxed again. "Could you maybe ask him to help out? And you know, say the canapes are for you? And not me..?"

"Oh, I dont know about that~" Azu giggled, stealing another kiss from him before he could pout. "I will ask him for you, but I will give him a shorthand version of the situation with your sister if he asks, okay? No secrets between the three of us~ How's that sound?"

"I suppose that's only fair.." he sighed, giving her another squeeze. She stayed with him there awhile longer; holding him and letting him calm down until it was time to head down and open his shop.

Azu walked down and helped him get set up for the day before she left; giving him one more kiss goodbye, and heading over to the inn to talk to their boyfriend. She grinned at the goofy smile he gave her, coming to rest her elbows on the counter as she looked up at him. "Hey Trouble~"

"Hey, Sweet Tooth~" Reth bit his lip to keep his smile from turning into a dorky grin, leaning over the counter to steal a quick kiss. "How's your morning going?"

"Pretty good so far~ I've gotten to see both of my boyfriends' cute faces and its not even ten yet." she giggled, before tilting her head at him. "Speaking of, Ive got a favor I wanna ask you; can I use your canape recipe?"

Reth's eyebrows shot up and then furrowed, looking at her in shock and confusion. "What-?? How do you even-??" he paused, squinting at her suspiciously. "Seriously?? You want one of my super duper top secret recipes? I'm sorry, but no can do. That recipe is locked inside my vault of deliciousness, and I'm afraid I ate the key."

Azu let out a laugh at his joking tone, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "Not for me, babe. It's actually for Jel."

Reth's brow only furrowed deeper, blinking at her. "Jel? Well, that explains how you found out about it. Why didnt he just ask himself?" he mused, holding up a finger when Azu went to respond. "Wait, dont answer that. By the time I question his motivations, I've already lost." he sighed, knowing damn well he was going to end up doing it; he would have done it for either of them, anyway. "I'll tell you what, you get me the ingredients for the canapes, and I'll whip them up for Jel. No questions asked."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate it babe." she smiled, leaning up to give him another kiss before she backed away. "What do you need for it?"

"Golden salmon, potatoes, and fresh garlic."

"I'm on it~" Azu giggled, pausing as she started to turn. "Thank you for helping me bail out our boyfriend~" she giggled, winking at him and watching him blush before she jogged out, chuckling to herself about how adorable they both were.

Reth smiled as she went, biting his lip and shaking his head. It wasnt much, but it did feel kind of nice to be the one helping, instead of the one needing help, for a change..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now