Better Than Lonely

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"Alright, we better get out of your hair~" Kenyatta finally sighed when the clock ticked past 9PM, starting to get up from where she'd been sitting in Nai'o's lap during their second visit to see Azu. They'd come over as soon as she'd finished studying; she even finished her work early, to make it out by like 7:30.. "Mom will be expecting me home soon, and you're gonna need a bath if you dont wanna get ink all over your bed~" she smirked at the blue haired woman, kneeling down beside the couch to hug her for a second.

"Yeah, yeah~" Azu rolled her eyes; she was glad that they hadnt reacted too badly, when Miles had explained the drawings on her arm and in Jel's sketchbook to be her old scars, though. Nai'o had only cried a little bit, before Kenyatta started going on about how badass she must have looked; it was hard to be sad, when she and Miles had been giggling about how pretty scars could look, on the right people.. "I doubt Im even going to be allowed to do that myself~" she smirked, sending Jel and Reth a knowing glance and catching the way that the chef grinned, and the tailor tried to hide his little smirk.

"I mean, if you think about it sis," Miles giggled as she stood up, resting a hand on her hip as she looked at her couch-ridden sister. "You would totally be giving them the same treatment if one of them got hurt~"

"How dare-" Azu gasped in mock offense, pointing at her accusingly. "How dare you call me out like that when I cant retaliate..!"

Miles laughed and did a playful twirl into a bow, grinning cheekily.

"You mock me with your mobility! Go home, you little gremlin-!" Azu pretended to be mad, even if she was laughing. "Shoo, shoo!"

"Im going~! Geez, its like you dont even want to see me~!" Miles mocked a sob, holding her heart and laughing as she came around the table to join Azu and Kenyatta's hug. "I'll be back to see you tomorrow and annoy you some more, love you sissy.."

Azu sighed and gave them both a squeeze, smiling. "Love you too, sissy. And you, too, Yatta; love you girl." she giggled, letting the two of them go to stand up and head to the door with Nai'o.

"Love you to, 'Zu; I'll see if I can bring you something good to read from the library, when I visit next. I'm sure Caleri will let me borrow something if she knows its for you."

"Ooh, that'd be nice. Thank you~" Azu giggled, waving them off as they finally departed; resting back against Jel's side as she was left alone with her boyfriends for the first time since that afternoon...since before Miles had given them more detail; and a physical representation; of just how used to this she really was. She could tell it was still on their minds, when Reth shifted to sit closer to them, his arm reaching behind their heads on the couch as he came to trail kisses across her skin; starting on her cheek where a scar had once been, and wandering down her neck, toward the ink that covered her shoulder..

Jel let out a soft sigh, running his hand along one of the drawings on her upper arm; furrowing his brow a little as Reth reached over her lap to hold his open hand, making him look up to meet the chef's eyes. He managed a small smile when Reth gave him a comforting squeeze; closing his eyes and letting himself just hold them both for a moment. When he opened them again, he let his fingertips trail further down in time with Reth's kisses; brushing along the claw marks on her forearm as Reth kissed the ink on her shoulder. "Its so hard to imagine all of this being safer than the house you were born into, my dear muse.."

Azu let out a shaky sigh when she felt Reth still against her shoulder at Jel's comment; closing her eyes as she tried to breath through the wave of anxiety that almost crushed her. "...Yeah. It was never a home, and I-...I wasnt supposed to happen. I-I really...dont like thinking about it.." she whispered, taking a few deep breathes as she fought away the thought of her biological 'parents'. "I'd rather think about you two, why I-" she stopped to swallow, feeling Reth lace his fingers with hers, and Jel's hand shift to rub her thigh. "Its why I'd never get tired of hearing the two of you you'd say, baby, you're a wonderful distraction from the loneliness.."

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now