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"Easy, kiddo! Im sure they're comin'!"

"Sorry! Im just really worried about her..!"

Badruu and Auni's voices could be heard from the steps as Azu's home was once again greeted by guests, alerting the three people inside and bringing a smile to the woman's face. It was Reth who got up to answer it this time; he'd traded places with Jel about an hour after their first visitors had left so that he could make them lunch. It was nearly 4PM, now; well into the afternoon, and well past the time they'd eaten, but the tailor was currently still being her lounge instead of the chef, who had been resting his head on their laps up until the knocking had started.

Reth couldnt really mind the interruptions, though; especially not when he saw the big worried eyes Auni gave him as soon as the door was open.

"Is she okay!? Nobody would tell me how bad it was..!"

"She's good, Auni, dont worry! Come on, Im sure she'll be excited to see you~" Reth chuckled as he let them in, gesturing down the hall and watching Auni run off before he turned to the kids' parents, smiling at Delaila and Badruu as they came in too. "Hey, guys; nice of you to visit. She's been doing well, since Chayne had Kenyatta bring over some medicine for her.." he murmured, chuckling when he noticed the apple pie in Delaila's hands. "I'll get us some plates, why dont you two go sit down?"

"Thank you, Reth; and bless you, my boy." Delaila sighed in relief at the news, holding her heart for a moment. "I was damn near worried sleepless last night after the poor girl collapsed like that; I'm glad she's got you and Jel taking care of her." she smiled at him, giving the cook a nod of respect before she headed after Auni.

"Here, take these with ya; we brought you three some eggs and milk; something to help while she's healing up, and to show how much we just aPEAciate Azu and all her help!" Badruu gave him a cheesy grin, handing Reth the basket of goods before he followed his wife.

"Azu! Oh man, I'm so glad you're okay! Mom brought you a pie, and I brought us some cards! I figured we could all play hotpot together so you're not bored! Or, well...maybe not all of us at the same time, but we can play more rounds!" Auni grinned as he held up the deck of cards, barely stopping himself from hugging her as he'd run over to stand in front of the couch.

"Awe, thats so nice of you Auni! I was getting cabin fever, Reth and Jel wont let me move hahaha~!" Azu smiled as she held her arms open from him, raising a brow at the young majiri. "Just be gentle, kiddo, you can hug me."

Auni sighed in relief and did so, giving her the gentlest hug he could manage and resting his cheek on her shoulder for a second. "I was really worried..! Can I see where you got hurt?? It wasnt too bad, right??"

Jel's eyes softened a little as he cooed, helping Azu sit up and lift her shirt so that Auni could see the bandage; sort of glad that they had covered the actual stitches, so that he couldnt see just how bad it had really been. Still, as he watched her interact with the boy, and noticed Delaila and Badruu join them in the tearoom, he couldnt help but admire her a moment. She'd touched so many lives, here in Kilima...not just his own, and Reth's; she was important to so many of the townsfolk, now..

"I'm alright, Auni; I didnt even break any bones, promise." Azu smiled; not having the heart to tell him just how close she'd come to bleeding out. She didnt want to scare him any more than she already had. "Now, whats this 'hotpot' game?? Ive never played before, you're gonna have to teach me~" she giggled, watching him as he stepped away to take the cards out and start explaining the game to her.

Delaila chuckled softly as she took a seat in one of their armchairs, admiring the young woman as she attentively listened to Auni; reaching up to hold Badruu's hand when he stood beside her, leaning on the wall. She was glad that the lass was alright; Auni looked up to her, and she was a rock that Nai'o had needed for a long time; not to mention being a good friend to herself and Badruu, as well. They'd been downright terrified when she'd brought the news home..

Jel had to wonder how she'd done it right under his nose; how she'd become such a pillar of the community, in just eight months...he supposed he'd been too busy falling in love with her to notice. It brought an adoring smile to his face, as he eyed her; hoping she could see what a difference she made, too. He wouldnt have been surprised if she didnt, though; he was starting to understand why she'd doubt it, even if he knew now that she had touched the very heart of Kilima..

Reth couldnt help but notice it too, when came in with plates and forks, and a pie knife to serve the dessert that Delaila had brought for them. It felt a little odd, for him; to know that he, of all the people in town, had caught her eye when she seemed like she touched every heart she came across...but after everything he'd learned about her that morning, he just had to trust that she saw the good things about herself in him somewhere, too..

"Thank you, Delaila; this looks amazing~" Azu grinned as Reth started handing out slices of the pie, and Auni went to sit on the other armchair, starting to shuffle his cards. "It's nice of you all to come see me; I appreciate the company." she chuckled, furrowing her brow a little at the older woman. "I hope I didnt worry you too much.."

"Ohh," Delaila sighed and smiled, shaking her head at the girl. "Bless you sweetheart, but I woulda worried even if ya hadnt collapsed; hunting accidents are nothing t'overlook. Even farm animals can do a load'a damage; Badruu got rushed by an Ormuu once and it just about snapped his arm, we know how bad animals can hurtcha if they get spooked."

Azu let out a little whistle as she looked up at Badruu, chuckling. "Dang, Im glad you healed up alright; that couldve been bad.."

"Same goes for you missy! You'd better heal up quick, Sugarfoot'll be missin' your visits too!" Badruu grinned back, chuckling at the young woman. "You're practically family now, farm just wouldnt feel the same withoutcha anymore, yknow?"

"Especially for Nai'o; he didnt even sleep last night, he was still up when I woke up!" Auni chuckled as he started to deal cards out for them, smiling even as his brow furrowed. "I'm pretty sure he'd cry if you died; not that I wouldnt, I mean, I just...well, you're like our sister, yknow?? It would sucked if something worse happened.."

"Aww, Auni; dont worry kiddo, I'll always fight my way back to you all. Its gonna take a lot more than a sernuk to take me out~" she grinned jokingly; but she had to close her eyes to hide the way she shook inside, realizing how much she meant to all of them. It felt so...odd; she didnt feel like she'd done that much for them, but they were all so...kind.

Reth gave her thigh a knowing squeeze as he sat down with her and Jel; right there with her in the near out of body experience that came with being so beloved, after so long alone. He had to imagine that for her, though, it must have been so much more intense..

"You'd better! Who else is gonna tell me about cool adventures? I've heard all of Sifuu's stories!" Auni grinned back at her; and the adults in the room were happy to relax, as they started to play cards with him..

At least for a moment, they let themselves believe that they hadnt come so close to losing her...even just for Auni's sake..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora