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Azu grinned as she headed back into town later that evening; having left Reth to his work at around one in the afternoon to go and handle some foraging for more spice sprouts. It felt amazing, knowing they would be waiting for her when she got to Jel's shop; knowing that both of her boyfriends were just as eager to see her as she was to see them.

It made her grin even wider when she ran in to find them hugging each other; Reth's cheeks ablaze as Jel laughed over something they'd been talking about, making her giggle as she walked over to them. "What absolute cuties~"

They both smiled as they looked up to see her, opening their arms to tuck her into the hug, too. Jel sighed in content at the feeling of both of them resting against his shoulders, letting his cheek lay against Azu's head as their arms wound around his waist, and held onto each other.

"Hello, my muse~ Reth was just telling me about a recipe you taught him this morning; and about his accidental confession~" Jel grinned, laughing a little when Reth looked up to glare at him in betrayal.

"Oh~?" Azu laughed, peeking over at the cook as she left a kiss on Jel's shoulder. "Did he tell you I love him too~?"

Reth let out a groan as he hid his face in Jel's shoulder, rolling his eyes at their teasing. "No-! He didnt let me get that far before he started teasing me!"

"Awee, baby~" Azu cooed at him as she giggled, sharing a little smirk with Jel before they both gave him a kiss; Jel's on the top of his head, while hers landed on his ear. She giggled against it when she felt his skin heat up against her lips; telling her without looking just how red his face was as she whispered to him. "Its not his fault you're so adorable when you blush~"

"Hhhh-" Reth let out a wheeze as he tried swallow his heart back down after it'd jumped into his throat under their attention. He didnt know how he could ever get used to this..! It felt like he was being simmered on a stove-

"You do know that I love you as well, right darling~?" Jel smirked as shifted to speak into Reth's other ear; chuckling lowly when the chef squeezed both of their waists and let out a choked whine. "I simply adore the both of you~"

Reth wondered for a moment if he was steaming, as he tried to get his tongue to move; making a few mumbles in an attempt reply. "Ah- I didn- I-" he cursed himself as he finally let out an awkward groan, biting his lip as he forced himself to take a deep breath. "I-I love you, too...b-both of you-"

"Mmm, and I love you both; you two make me so happy." Azu giggled; and she started to say more, but stopped when she heard a quiet, restrained squealing behind her. A glance over her shoulder revealed it to be Miles and Tish; grinning and giggling to themselves behind their hands as they stood in the entryway of the shop. "Ooh, good timing Miles~! I have a surprise for you!" She smiled, letting go of her boyfriends to turn to her.

"Ooh, surprises-" Miles grinned, slinking over to the counter and sending Reth and Jel a happy little wave. "Hey guys~! Hope you dont mind me hanging around for a bit!"

"Not at all." Jel chuckled, letting go of Reth so that the chef could take out their dinner and start to set things up for them to eat. He rose a brow a little when he took out plates of tacos, rather than his normal soups or stews; but before he could ask anything, the girls has started to rave about something..

It was because at the same time, Azu had taken out the remainder of her chips and salsa; having about half a jar left after sharing some with Nai'o out by the farm earlier, as she tuned to smirk at Miles. "Look what I made~"

Miles' face lit up as she gazed upon the familiar snack, gasping a little as she made grabby hands at the jar. "Salsa~! Oh my gosh tacos are gonna be so bomb!" she laughed, snagging the jar and licking her lips as soon as Azu held it out. She didnt hesitate to open the jar and take a chip, too, trying some and moaning at the familiar taste of the spicy dip. "Mmmm, so much better when its homemade too-" she giggled, holding the jar out to Tish. "Do you like spicy things??"

"Its not my favorite but I do like a good curry..?" Tish rose a brow at the chunky red sauce, before taking a chip to try just a little bit; imitating what Miles had done and scooping some onto the odd little tortilla strip. "Ooh-" she hummed, covering her mouth as she chewed and furrowing her brow at the heat; giggling after she swallowed. "Its not as spicy as I expected; is there garlic in that..?"

"There is~ Plus, you can totally make it spicier or milder, to preference." Azu giggled, letting the girls take the bowl of chips from her as well to munch on them.

"Is that what you were raving about earlier Reth?" Jel chuckled, remembering that garlic and heat root had been on his list of things that were in their new recipe.

"Yes~" Reth grinned as he turned to look at the tailor from where he'd been ogling at Azu lovingly, chuckling a little as he focused on their meal again, taking out the jar that they'd made earlier that morning. "We made a batch together, too; and I was really interested in trying it with tacos even before Miles mentioned it," he paused, turning to glance at the caramel skinned human and raising a brow. "Was that something else humans used it for a lot?"

"It was~" Miles grinned, shaking the jar in her hand at him as she giggled. "It was in like, every household where I grew up; goes great on eggs or omelets too~" she turned to look at Azu, giving her her best puppy eyes as she held the jar in both hands. "Can I have the rest of this jar? Pretty pleaaase?? I promised Kenyatta I'd hang out with her so I have to go, but I really wanna snack..!"

Azu laughed as she reached out to ruffle Miles' hair, rolling her eyes at her. "That was the whole point of handing it to you, sis; I didnt expect to get it back~" she beamed, shaking her head when the younger woman let out a little gremlin giggle and hugged her tightly. She hugged back for a minute before Miles backed up, turning to head out with a wave. "Have fun with Kenyatta okay? Tell her I said hi~!"

"Okay, I will!" Miles laughed over her shoulder; heading off down the street toward the library, and leaving the four of them to eat their dinner.

Tish had trouble containing her giggled as she watched the three of them gather around Jel's counter; huddling closer than they used to in weeks before, Reth and Azu standing to either side of Jel when he sat down..

Reth glanced up at her when she let a few out; raising his brow at her and trying not to blush again as he gave her a halfhearted glare. "What are you giggling at?"

"I three are so in love and its so sweet-!" Tish giggled gleefully as she joined them at the counter, leaning against it as she eyed the way the three of them blushed in varying degrees. "Its like I almost cant remember a time when you werent together; you guys are so affectionate and caring to each other that its kind of weird to think about it, now.." she smiled widely, her heart swelling for the three of them. "It's really nice to see you both so happy, and I'm so glad you settled here, Azu!"

"Ahahah~ Thanks, Tish.." Azu laughed along with the girls giggled as she looked up from carefully pouring salsa onto their tacos, blushing a soft pink color as she paused to bite her lip. "..It's weird to think about, but Ive already been here almost three quarters of a year now; and the last couple months of that, Ive been with you two.." she giggled, turning to lovingly gaze at both of them. "...Ive adored you both for quite a bit longer than that, though."

Reth blushed a little deeper at her confession, furrowing his brow as he realized that meant she'd loved him the whole time they'd been together. How long had he even loved her? Did he know for sure? Instantly his mind took him back to the night she'd shown up in the storeroom with Tish's treatment in his hands, and he bit his lip as he grinned to himself. "...Glad I wasnt the only one bottling it up.." he chuckled shyly, starting to eat one of his tacos after Azu had set the salsa back down.

"I suppose that makes all three of us, then~" Jel laughed along, reaching over to lightly pinch Reth's side as the chef tried to look away, smirking when he jumped and playfully glared at him. "See, you arent the only one who'd been thinking it~"

"I see that now~" Reth rolled his eyes as he chuckled, trying and failing to fight off his blush. Luckily, they seemed to be finished teasing him for now; letting him enjoy his meal without having to stop every few minutes to melt under their attention. As much as he was starting to crave it, it still made it hard for him to breathe..

They didnt have any plans to stop loving him, though; so even if Reth took years to get used to the way they treated him, they would keep adoring him through every meltdown.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now