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Their morning had been slow; lingering together in the warmth of their bed as the sun rose, whispering sweetly and leaving gentle touches along each others skin, sharing soft kisses in the early morning light..

It was already almost 10AM when they finally got up; only doing so because Azu had needed to go to the bathroom, and Reth refused to let her walk herself even that far. They did at least let her use the bathroom by herself; wandering back out to get dressed while she did so, and only coming back when she called for him a couple minutes later to help her stand at the sink and wash her hands, leaving little kisses along her neck and shoulders as he did so..

Maybe that was why Reth was so hesitant to bring up the question the ate at his mind, when Jel gave them both a kiss and headed out into town to grab a few materials from his shop; promising them to be back before Reth could finish breakfast. He didnt want to ruin the loving bliss they'd spent their first few hours in, even if he knew he needed to know..

Azu could tell that something had been on his mind all morning; and when he let out a shaky sigh, eyeing her injured side as he started to get things ready for breakfast, she knew it must have been something to do with her. "..You waited until Jel left to bring it up; so whatever you want to ask must be about the injury, right..?"

Reth glanced up to meet her eyes, furrowing his brow at her whisper; letting out another sigh as he set down the pan he'd taken out, and resting his hands against the edge of the stove for a minute as he leaned back against it, frowning at her. "Thats...not actually what I'm so worried about, Azu.." he paused; taking a second to breathe before he walked over to sit with her at the dining table. "...I dont like how ready you were to just...push through everything on your own. And what Miles said; about this not being your first injury like this; babe...why are you so damn used to this??" he finally pleaded, reaching out to take one of her hands and squeeze it, his breath shaking a little. "What happened to you, in your first life..?"

The woman shifted uncomfortably under his gaze; catching the way it made him wince in pain to see her squirm, and swallowing when it reminded her all too much of the way Miles and her family had looked at her, once.. She took a deep breath and had to close her eyes; swallowing as she fought away the blurs of memories in her mind. She squeezed his hand back as she tried to figure out what she could say; how much she could tell him, without it ruining the way that he looked at her. She didnt want to tell him about the place she'd come from; the life she'd lived before...

"Please." Reth murmured, his voice cracking a little as he saw her withdrawing; hoping to every deity they had that she would let him in. "I need to know, baby...its killing me to see you like this, I-" he swallowed, taking a deep, shaking breath as he scooted his chair closer to hers, resting one of his knees in between hers and letting his open hand reach out to hold her face. "I cant pretend I dont see it when you lie through your teeth for us. You're not okay, you're just saying that so that we dont worry...and it takes one to know one, doesnt it..?" he frowned; his eyes watering a little when he watched a tear slide down her face.

Azu let out a heavy sigh as she nodded, squeezing his hand and leaning into his touch as she slowly opened her eyes, furrowing her brow back at him. "..Okay...just...promise you wont pity me, okay..?"

Reth's stomach sank at her words, his heart aching in his chest as he brushed away her tears with his thumb. "It wont be pity, babe, I promise.." he laughed humorlessly, even if his voice shook a little. It made him nervous, though; antsy, to hear what she had to say..

Azu had to take a few deep breaths as she found the right words; shutting her eyes tightly and reaching up with her open hand to hold his against her face; keeping it there to comfort her as she began to explain, for the first time in eons, who she was before even Miles had met her..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now