Perfect Fit

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"Ah, Azu! There you are, my most discerning customer." Jel smiled as he noticed the aqua-haired woman run into his shop, just a quarter past noon. She must have been fishing, because the scent of sea water followed her as she came up to him; not that he minded it. "Ive just about finished the custom order you put in; do you have time to be fitted for final adjustments today?"

Azu smiled up at him in excitement, letting out a little outburst of her joy. "Ooh, yay! Ive been waiting for you to ask~" she chuckled, walking further into the room to set her bag down against his counter again. "If you have it ready, I can go get changed?"

"Of course!" Jel smiled blissfully at her eagerness, happy to see that she was as thrilled as he was to see the final product. As he pulled out the near-finished pieces for her and handed them off, he couldnt help but feel a bit melancholy, too. He did hope that the completion of this project wouldnt mark the end of her visits..

Azu turned on her heel and heading into the changing room as soon as he'd handed them to her, unknowingly adding to his worries as she shut the door on herself, and quickly stripped off the clothes she'd been reborn in. She started with the pants; which she had to admit, reminded her a lot of skinny jeans with the way they hugged her skin, though the fabric was much softer. She paused for a moment to do a little turn in the mirror, admiring the way that the garment showed off her ass. "Ooh, I look good.." she murmured to herself, resting her hands on her hips and shifting her weight side to side; letting the fabric flex with her and biting her lip. "Damn~" she giggled, turning to pick up the top and put it on next; folding it around her torso before buckling it into place with the brown leather belt. She grinned when that, too seemed to fit her as snugly as it possibly could have without being too tight; the low dip of the neckline showing off little peeks of her purple bra, as well as a decent bit of her cleavage. Seeing herself in it, she couldnt help but wonder if Jel would like it as much as she did. She giggled and went to grab the boots he'd made next, smirking a little at the thigh high leathers, folded at the top to reveal the blue fabric lining on the inside. This was what she had been most excited for; and even if putting them on took a moment, as soon as she did she knew there was no way that this wasnt going to be her favorite clothing item.

"These boots look amazing! Everything fits well, too!" she grinned as she opened the changing room door without even finishing, taking the coat and harness-bags into her hand as she walked out to grin up at Jel. "What do you think? Does it suit me?" she giggled as she gave him a little turn as well, so that he could get a good look at his craftsmanship. "I havent tried the coat on yet, but I love this look so far~"

Jel had to agree. As he watched her turn in place for him, he couldnt tear his eyes away if he'd wanted to; they were stuck, busied with admiring the way the fabric showed off her every curve. He'd meant for the garments to be skin-tight, of course, but actually seeing them on her...that was an entirely different feeling. A rather unexpected one, given that he didnt usually find himself attracted to his customers; but he couldnt deny that she was beautiful. Nor could he dare to try and say he didnt admire the way her form enhanced his work, making what once were little more than scraps of fabric into a vision.

"Jel~?" Azu giggled as she leaned forward a bit to try and make eye contact with him, waving to get his attention. He had been staring at her for awhile now; and while she didnt necessarily mind having his eyes on her, she did want to know what he thought; even if the look on his face gave her some idea.

The man's cheeks darkened, turning them a deeper shade of purple as he averted his gaze and cleared his throat. "Sorry! I got a bit lost in thought there.." he tried to chuckle, but it fell flat with him feeling entirely mortified that he'd just been ogling at her this whole time.

"Thats alright~" Azu smirked to herself, resting her hands on her hips as she rose a brow at him. "I asked what you thought, though~?"

"Oh, yes-" Jel mentally cursed himself for being so distracted, turning his head back to meet her eyes again; only to pause in a moment of shock at the little smirk on her lips. "I-It looks wonderful on you, Azu.." he managed, albeit a tad breathlessly. Could she tell how awkward he felt? Why else would she be looking at him like that??

Azu had to try so hard not to break into a huge grin, watching him fumble with trying to save the situation. He was so cute, it was hard for her not to want to tease him. It she knew him better, she probably would have; but for now, she just giggled and let him slide, pulling the long coat over her shoulders, and slipping on the fingerless leather gloves to finish off the outfit. She slipped the hip bag on first, wrapping it around the outside of the coat and fastening it into place, before taking up the shoulder harness and turning to Jel. "Mind helping me adjust the straps?"

"Not at all.." Jel hummed, just managing to gather himself as she looked up at him again. He let out a slow breath as he came over to stand with her, waiting until she slipped her arms into the loops of leather and settled the bag into place to reach out to her. He focused on his hands, for his own sake; taking up the leather and adjusting the fasteners to be tight enough to hold it in place, but still loose enough for her to slip it off when she wanted to. He didnt dare let his gaze wander, lest he once again find himself in an embarrassing moment of awe.

Azu smiled as he stepped away, rolling her shoulders to feel things out, before spinning on her heel and giggling at the way the tails of her coat flared up around her, the sound of the swishing fabric making her feel like a pirate or something. "Yes..! This is exactly what I was going for. Perfect for staying warm out on long expedition nights~" she laughed softly, stopping her spin and looking up to meet Jel's eyes.

Jel smiled as he watched her twirl, his gaze softening as she praised his work so highly. "Im glad it's all you hoped for." He mused, folding his hands behind his back as he chuckled. "Do let me know if it ever tears or looses a button; I'll be sure to mend it."

"I appreciate it, Jel." Azu grinned back at him, resting her hands on her hips again. "I'll be heading out to Bahari Bay tomorrow morning, but maybe when I come back, you can help me work on something more casual to wear around town?"

"I'd be happy to." Jel chuckled, bowing his head at her thankfully. "I do so appreciate your patronage, after all. Anything in particular you're looking for?"

"Something breathable; I didnt mind the cropped top and shorts, actually, they just were a little bit plain for me. Maybe...something asymmetrical? Just to make it more visually interesting. Maybe a half skirt over shorts?"

"Hmm.." Jel held his chin as he though about it, and about the outfit she had...well, materialized in. "Yes, I think Ive got a few ideas you may like. I'll start drawing up a few sketches, and we can go over them when you return." he smiled, nodding to her.

"Can't wait to see what you come up with~" Azu grinned as she went to grab her bag, digging out the pouch of coins she'd set aside for him before walking over to him, holding it out with a grin. "For all of your hard work~" she chuckled, waiting until he took it to wave and start heading out the door. "Make sure to buy yourself something nice with the extra~!" she beamed, running out the door before he had time to say anything in response.

Jel furrowed his brow as he watched her go, once again foregoing the stairs to simply leap down to the street and run off toward her farm. As he untied the pouch to see what she had meant, his gaze softened again. She'd left him a few hundred gold more than she'd needed to. He had assumed that the reason she had asked him the exact cost it would come to because she'd wanted to make sure she could afford it; but it seemed she was full of surprises..

He shook his head, biting his lip to hold back a grin as he took up his sketchbook again and began to brainstorm a few concepts for her next outfit. He couldnt lie to himself; he couldnt wait for her to see them, either..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now