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It was a normal day; Azu was on her way into town after finishing up her third major house expansion of adding in a tea room; she was about to say her temporary goodbyes to her friends and love interests so that she could head out to Bahari Bay in search of Heartdrop Lilies. After Reth had brought it up, she'd gone to see Tish and ask her; without telling her that Reth brought it up, to save him the embarrassment; if she thought they would be upset, if she were to give one to each of them.

If anything, Tish had seemed relieved that she did want to be with both of them; mentioning that she couldnt have bared seeing either of them hurt, and, after making Azu promise not to tell them she found out from Tish, let her know that they both already knew about each others feelings for her. She only hoped that meant they'd be alright with it..

She was about halfway down the steps to the town plaza, when she noticed a strikingly familiar face out of the corner of her eye. Light caramel skin and big, bright silver eyes, framed by long dark hair, partially braided in the same way that Azu had always done hers. Instantly, she felt like she knew this girl; this other human; and without even realizing it, she had autopiloted herself over to where she stood with Ashura and Jina in front of the Inn, furrowing her brow at the shorter, slightly younger human. "...Why are you so familiar..? I feel like I know you already.." she whispered, desperately trying to place who she was in her mind. She offered the girl her hand, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry, Im Azuriela."

The girl's eyes widened at the sound of Azu's voice, her attention completely shifting away from Jina in order to study her face. "You..! You like to speak near running water..!" The girl furrowed her brow, before breaking into a huge smile. "And you tell the best campfire stories!" she giggled as she shook Azu's hand. "Im Miles!"

Very suddenly, it all clicked into place. Blurry images in her mind became clearer, and her eyes widened as she heard echoes of her own voice saying that name, so many times before. "Miles...Sis..?"

Miles gasped as it fell all into place for her too, grinning practically ear to ear as she stopped shaking Azu's hand to hug onto her arm. "Right!! You were my sister! We were best friends!"

Azu felt herself tear up as her face broke into a huge grin, and she wrapped her available arm around Miles to hold her as tightly as she could. "I thought I'd never see you again..!"

Miles let out a little laugh that sounded more like a cackle, letting of of Azu's arm to wrap herself around her torso, squeezing her back when Azu clung to her. "You cant get rid of me even after the end of the world, haha!"

The two of them totally forgot about Ashura and Jina standing there as the hugged each other, but the sound of the budding scientist scribbling something in her notes finally made them look up and remember. Azu let go of Miles, but only as far as holding her hand instead of hugging her, grinning awkwardly at Jina. "Sorry about that...uhm." she reached up to wipe her eyes with her spare hand, turning to just look at Miles' cheerful grin. "So, I dont know if the Majiri have something similar, but humans had something called adoption; where a family would take in a lost child, when they didnt have parents or a home to call their own. Miles' family was that family for me.."

"Awwee..! And you remember each other even after being brought back?" Jina cooed as she held her hands over her heart. "Thats so sweet! So, familial bonds can still be remembered, then.." she smiled, reaching up to rub her neck. "Well, I'd better let the two of you catch up then! Just come see me anytime, Miles, I'd be happy to have your help researching the human appearances!" she grinned, waving to them as she turned and started off toward Helka's tent.

"I dont intend on holding you up either," Ashura chuckled, reaching out to pay Azu's shoulder with a smile. "If you're with Azu, you're in good hands. Make sure and send her to Hodari after you catch up, okay? I already gave her an axe, but she'll be needing her own pick too." he hummed, before waving to them and heading into the Inn.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now