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"I saw you with Azu earlier.."

Reth tensed as he heard Ashura coming up behind him, pausing in his work to cautiously turn around and chuckle. "Ah, yeah; she uh.." the younger Majiri man couldnt stop himself from blushing at the memory of his emotion rollercoaster of a night, chuckling awkwardly. "She gave me a heartdrop lily."

Ashura rose a brow at the news, smiling at the cook knowingly. "Oh, I had assumed something like that mustve happened. Im happy for you, Reth; she's good for you.."

The man nearly deflated in relief, glad that he wasnt being scolded for public affection in front of his work place. "Thanks, Ashura.." he chuckled, reaching up to rub his neck. "..She is. Pretty much forced me to actually sleep last night.."

"Ahh, that explains why you dont seem so tired today. Good; about time you listened to someone's advice." Ashura laughed a little as Reth sent him a halfhearted glare; but he knew all too well that sometimes it took a lover to do the convincing. "Alright, alright! I'll leave you to work; just wanted to check in on you.." he hummed, starting out to go fishing for the day.

Reth watched him go; letting it settle in that at least some people were happy to see them together before he returned to his work, getting things ready for the lunch rush..

"Hey, I've got dinner~" Reth grinned as he came into the tailor's shop later that day, walking over to join Jel at the counter and setting down their meal.

Jel smiled back at him, relieved to see that he was feeling so much better; but it quickly shifted to a knowing smirk, raising a brow at him. "I take it your night at Azuriela's went well~?"

Reth's cheeks instantly turned red, and he bit his lip to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. It took him a second to stop grinning long enough to answer the taller Majiri. "I dont know if Ive ever slept that well in my life," he sighed dreamily, remembering the way it felt to doze off with her in as arms, as close as they could physically be. "Not to mention how caring she is; dragon I dont think Ive ever been held like that.."

Jel couldnt help but chuckle along, knowing all too well how tender Azu could be. It actually felt kind of nice to be able to talk about it like this; knowing that he wasnt the only one who got butterflies anytime the azurette was close to him. "She certainly knows how to make us feel special, hm?" he chuckled, blushing a bit as he thought back to the way she had held him the night she confessed, swaying under the stars.. "Im almost sure I already know the answer, but do you find yourself wondering why she chose us, too..?" he hummed, meeting Reth's eyes as he continued. "Surely she could be with anyone she wanted, and yet...we were who she made extra time for, these last few months.."

"Oh, I thought about it before she even confessed; and I still dont understand why she's even giving me a shot, but..." Reth paused to smile at the floor, reaching up to rub his neck. "Im glad she is. And actually, Im glad that its both of us, not gonna lie; I know it might sound weird but I dont think there's any one else I'd be alright with dating by proxy." he laughed a little, meeting Jel's eyes again. "I already know you, and I know you'll take care of her when I might not be able to; and thats...relieving, honestly."

"I can say its a sentiment I share, actually." Jel chuckled along, resting against the counter as he spoke. "I know that there arent many people in town who'd believe it, but Im positive you'll treat her well; and your schedule may be stretched thin, but I think you're forgetting that Azu is.." he paused, trying to think of the right word for how determined she was to care for the two of them. "Well, Azu!" he settled on when he couldnt, laughing along with Reth as the chef nodded.

"Yeah, she's one of a kind alright.." he grinned; relaxing into a comfortable silence as they waited for Tish. It didnt take much longer, and as soon as she came in Reth turned to smile at her; waving lazily as she came over to them. "Hey Tish~ How was work?"

"Hi guys~!" Being his sister, Tish could instantly tell something was different; good different, but different nonetheless, about the way Reth looked today. So, as she joined them at the table, she turned to look at Reth in the eyes, smiling as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"Ahh, well.." Reth chuckled as he sent Jel a look, silently asking him if she knew anything yet with his raised brow.

Jel only shook his head, smiling to himself as Tish turned her suspicious gaze onto him. "I havent said anything.."

"About what??"

Tish furrowed her brow, looking up at the sound of Azu's voice, before turning back to look between the two as she took a step back. She studied the looks on both of their faces as they turned to smile at Azu, and it finally clicked; making her gasp in excitement and jump up and down, starting to giggle up a storm. "Oh! Oh my Dragon, yay!"

Azu furrowed her brow at Tish's reaction, before turning to smirk at her boyfriends, raising a brow. "You two didnt tell her?"

"I was going to!" Reth defended, grinning back at her as he crossed his arms. "We just hadnt gotten there yet.."

"I was waiting to make sure things worked out between you two." Jel hummed with a knowing smile sent to Reth, chuckling when the chef lightheartedly glared at him.

Azu rolled her eyes at the two of them, smirking as she turned to Tish and giggled. "I took your advice, Tish~"

In an instant, both of the men were staring at Tish, their brows raised in surprise at the giggling blonde. Tish only squealed a little, giving Azu a tight hug and laughing joyfully. "Oh, Im so glad it all worked out! I just know you'll take such good care of them, awwe!" she giggled, turning to look at her older brother and her best friend. "You three are so cute together!"

Jel blushed a little and pushed up his glasses, chuckling back at the ladies in his storefront. "Thank you, Tish, but did Azu say it was your suggestion that she date both of us..?"

Tish grinned sheepishly, swaying as she spoke. "Well, yeah; she asked me what I thought she should do, since both of you liked her, and of course I didnt want either of you to be heartbroken! So I kiinda let it spill that you two have been talking this whole time, and that mayybe there was a third option that you guys didnt think about!" she grinned at them, bouncing on her heels a little as she clapped with excitement. "And now you're both glowing like heartdrop lilies in the spring, its so sweet..!"

Azu giggled as the two of them blushed and avoided Tish's gaze, making her smile at how shy they could both be. Just like Tish, she was just happy to see them both happy; and if she was what made them happy, then that was even better. This was the start of something beautiful; and she couldnt wait to see their love story bloom..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now