An Eye For Flare

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The sounds of footsteps drew Jel's eyes to the door. He had hoped, nearly too much, that it would have been Azuriela; after sending her a letter that morning with a key to his workshop, he'd been all but strung out, waiting for her to arrive. He knew that if anyone would be able help him finish this, it would be her.

Instead, he found that it was only Reth walking in with dinner for when Tish would soon arrive. He let out a dreary sigh as he turned to the clock on the wall, furrowing his brow. Surely she had gotten it..? Had she run off to the Bay again without mentioning it..?

Reth rose a brow at the tailor, chuckling and setting their food on the desk. "What are you sighing about this time?"

"I've been waiting for Azu to arrive.." Jel turned to meet the shorter man's eyes as he spoke; just in time to catch the flicker of understanding in them. "I was hoping to ask her opinion on the dress Ive been working on for Kenyatta, since they seem to be getting quite close, and she's been so willing to help.."

"Im sure thats what she's off doing; helping people I mean. She didnt stop by the Inn yet today either, so I havent seen her.." Reth hummed back, trying not to let on how much it had bothered him today too. He hesitated a moment; furrowing his brow at Jel as he debated saying anything.. "..You're starting to really trust her, huh?"

Jel furrowed his brow; but he couldn't deny it. He knew that the impact she'd already had on him was...noticeable, to say the least. "The same could be said for you, Reth."

Reth had to bite his tongue so he didnt blush, sighing as he turned toward the door and leaned against the counter. "..Yeah. She's...almost too sweet, for someone so spicy." He laughed, reaching up to rub his neck. "I sort of wonder why she bothers coming to see me.."

"I suppose I can relate to that.." Jel mused, coming to join him at the counter. "How someone so...passionate, has a moment to spare for hopeless cases like us." he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "..I know she doesnt quite understand Majiri society, but...hearing her believe in my skills so genuinely was.." he blushed a bit, thinking back to when she'd given him the purple shells..

"Like a breath of fresh air?" Reth added on for him, chuckling dryly. "Yeah.."

Jel paused to look at him for a moment, quietly observing the look on Reth's face and the longing in his eyes. "You arent usually one for poetics, but I'd have to agree.." he murmured, furrowing his brow a bit. "..It seems we're both getting closer to her than we meant to.."

That was what Reth was afraid of hearing. To him, it meant there was a blatantly obvious better choice for Azu; and even though his chest stung at the idea, he forced himself to suck in a breath and laugh awkwardly. "I'm not gonna get in your way, if that's what you're thinking.."

Jel blinked at him, his brows furrowing at the slightest shake in his voice. "I wasnt.." he tilted his head, curiously looking at the cook. "I was actually thinking that if she's made time for both of us thus far, surely we both must mean something to her. I cant say she returns our feelings...but she does at least seem to care for us both.."

"..Yeah." Reth managed. He couldnt work up the voice to add anything else if he'd wanted to; he was thankful for the distraction, when Tish came walking into the shop, and they could focus on eating..

Which is what they did, as they chatted with Tish about her latest designs over dinner; but the blonde haired elf didnt miss the looks that the two kept giving each other, and the door. Eventually, her curiosity got the better of her, when she caught them both looking at the door for what must have been the fourth time; causing her to furrow her brow and finally comment on their odd behavior. "Is everything alright with you two..?" They both turned to look at her; but they wouldnt get a chance to reply before the shop was filled with the sound of sprinting footsteps; drawing even her attention back to the door.

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now