Be Your Dolls

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By the third day since she'd come home from her accident, Azu was pouting as soon as she woke up; half heartedly glaring up at Reth when he got out of bed and went to pick her up. "Can I pleease move around today??"

Reth paused as he pulled her to the edge of the bed, raising a brow as she went limp and let out a dramatic huff. He laughed a little as he looked over at Jel where he stood at her wardrobe; the two of them smirking at each other and her for a moment, before Reth finally rolled his eyes at her playfully, and stood up fold his arms at her. She'd been getting progressively more bratty, the longer she was confined to the bed and the couch; and he couldnt help but think it was a kinda cute, seeing this side of her. "That depends, can you take it easy?"

Azu let out a grumbly little huff about 'that damned sernuk' before she carefully sat up, slowly to prove that she could take things easy. "I promise I will be careful; I only want to go into town to see Chayne about getting these sutures removed, and then I'll come straight home." she pouted at them, giving them her best puppy eyes as she folded her hands. "Please babes? I feel like Im going to burst with all of this pent up energy..!"

Jel had to laugh as he came over with a new outfit for her; usually he was the dramatic one of the three of them, but she had certainly proven to have her moments, over the last couple of days. It had been nice, spending so much time with the two of them; but as he shared another glance with Reth, he knew they couldnt deny her forever.. "Alright, love, alright~" he chuckled, leaning down to kiss her as he handed her the clothes he'd picked. "How is this; we will let you walk around on your own today, on the condition that one of us is still nearby, and after we've had breakfast we can head into town together to see Chayne?"

Azu tried not to grin too wide when he handed her the stack of items, realizing he was letting her get dressed on her own too; giggling sweetly as she took Reth's hand to help her stand up when he offered it. "I can agree to these terms~" she hummed, leaning in to give the chef a kiss too. "I'll still lean on you if it gets to be too much, okay..?" she hummed, looking up into his sky blue eyes.

Reth smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, giving her a little peck on the tip of her nose. "You'd better~ If you get hurt again pushing it too hard Im gonna get fired for missing so much work~" he laughed, letting her go so she could change while he glanced between the two of them. He was going to miss this, after he did go back to the inn.. "Besides, I know Ive got to go back to work for Zeki soon even if you arent fully healed yet; cant avoid that nearly as long.." he sighed.

"Mmm, you can still come here after you're done yknow..?" Azu hummed as she glanced between his stressed, stormy eyes, and Jel's concerned frown. "Both of you are always welcome here; even if I didnt explicitly invite you or get injured~" she giggled, watching as both of their cheeks turned pink, focusing on that instead of the worries on their mind.

Reth tried not to swallow too hard as he weighted in his mind just what she meant by that; trying to figure out if that was as open an offer as he hoped it might be, or if he would overstay his welcome with how much he really wanted to stay with her and just...never go. He shook away that thought; trying to focus as he gave her a small, shy smile; furrowing his brow a little. "You sure, Sweet Tooth..? I dont wanna invade your space, or anything.."

"Well what if I want you to invade my space? What then, hm~?"

"I dont think she would have offered if she didnt mean it, Trouble~" Jel had to smile when Azu rolled her eyes at him; chuckling as he came to slip his arms around Reth's waist from behind him, leaning down to kiss his neck. "I at least intend to take her up on the offer~"

"Exactly~" Azu grinned as she finished changing into her black tank top and the amethyst miniskirt Jel had chosen, coming to pin Reth between them as she reached around him to grab Jel's ass while she pressed a kiss against Reth's collarbone. "As much as Im getting cabin fever, I have loved having you two here. The house doesnt feel so empty.." she hummed, starting to leave little kisses on his bare chest while Jel left a new hickey on the chef's neck..

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now