For You

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Dear Azu,

Hey. Uh, I'm in some deep ormuu dung right now. It's a little bit of a big deal.

Can you meet me in our secret spot?


Azu barely finished reading the letter when she'd returned home almost four days after she'd left to finally find Heart Lilies, before she was throwing everything she had on her into her chests and taking off, not bothering to water or tend her crops as she rushed out again. It was already almost midnight, but she didnt care; something was wrong, and she had no idea when Reth had sent that letter. She didnt bother with running down the hill; instead leaping off of the cliff and letting herself fall until she almost hit the ground, pulling her glider at the last moment to catch herself on her feet so she could take off again. She completely stormed through the inn, sprinting down the stairs and up to Reth's door, frantically getting out her key and shoving it into the lock.

Reth's eyes shot up to the door as it opened, perking up when he saw Azu's familiar face. "You're here! Okay, uh, that's good.. Thats really good actually. Man I am glad to see your face right now." he furrowed his brow, taking in a shaky breath as he studied her face; she looked so worried about him.

She was worried about him; and her worry didnt settle when she saw the way he was acting. She furrowed her brow back at him as she walked over to him, not asking if he needed one this time and just reaching out to hug him, letting him wrap his arms around her and squeeze her like she would disappear. She was starting to realize that he was genuinely afraid that she would. She sighed, rubbing his back as she felt him nuzzle his face into her shoulder again, letting her head tilt a bit to lean against his this time. "Its good to see you too."

"You might not be saying that after this conversation." Reth whispered, squeezing her waist for a moment longer before he forced himself to pull away, trying his best to meet her eyes. "I messed up, Sweet Tooth. Like, cataclysmic. Apocalyptic. The end of my short stint as your local chef-turned-criminal." he furrowed his brow even more, trying to keep it together as he swallowed his tears. "Oh yeah, and I'm probably going to jail.."

Azu's hand reached up to hold his face, brushing her thumb across his cheekbone as she hushed him, waiting for his breathing to even out before she spoke. Her heart hurt, seeing him so distressed. "What happened, Reth?" she whispered, holding his eyes this time so that he could see she wasnt upset.

Reth let out a shuddering breath as he leaned into her touch, his knuckles turning a lighter shade of pink as he clutched her waist to ground himself. He knew she would be able to feel the way he shook, but he didnt care at this point.. "Eshe happened. Palian society happened. My own dumb mistakes happened." Reth growled a little under his breath, before his eyes filled up with tears again. "And now Tish is gonna pay for it all..."

"Is this about Tish's condition?" Azu's heart sank as she put two and two together; realizing that she must have been right. He was so shaken up by her finding Miles, because he couldnt imagine forgetting Tish; and Tish was sick, from what Jel had told her. Miraculous recoveries dont just come from country air.

"..Yeah, I guess it is." Reth sighed, shutting his eyes tightly as he felt her fingertips brush away the tear the rolled down his cheek. "Not a lot of people know about it...not even Tish. She's sick. Has been sick, for awhile.." he took a deep breath, slowly opening his eyes to meet Azu's bright magenta irises, hoping to the Phoenix that she would understand. "..The only reason she's still around is because of the deal I made with the Cartel." he murmured, feeling another wave of tears well up in his eyes when the look on her face didnt change at all. "And her treatment's in a shipment that just got seized by the Magistrate for investigation. Her flow-powered, highly illegal treatment."

All For Love [Reth x OC x Jel]Where stories live. Discover now